
"Thai League" discusses guidelines for organizing competitions during monsoons. Emphasize that every team must be ready.
Thai League Co., Ltd. has a meeting to discuss how to organize Thai League football matches during monsoons and thunderstorms, asking all clubs to prepare, including taking care of the stadium to be in perfect condition. and prepare a support plan if the situation arises on the day of the race and will not postpone the competition
Movement in the Revo Thai League after the latest time 10:00 at the Thai League meeting room, Thai League Co., Ltd. had a meeting between representatives of the referees, competition controllers. and competition management to take measures to deal with the weather and thunderstorms on race day
According to the meteorological department Has announced to watch out for monsoons, heavy rains and accumulated rain in many areas across the country. This may directly affect the conditions of the stadium with continuous heavy rain. May not be in a race-ready state.
For the conclusion at the meeting, Thai League Company Limited asks all clubs to prepare, including taking care of the stadium to be in perfect condition. and prepare a support plan if the situation arises on the day of the race in accordance with the regulations That requires the playing field to have a good drainage system around the field. There are equipment to expel water from the field.
However, if the field is not ready for competition or cannot find a reserve field in time on the competition day, Thai League Co., Ltd. reserves the right to postpone the competition and find a suitable date for further competition.