
"Coach Heng" accepts "Yao Khai War Elephants", blaming the coach, not blaming the system.
Like buying lottery tickets! Coach Heng" Wittaya Laohakul, technical director of Chonburi FC, pointed out that Thai youth football can't lose the coach's penalty. I have to blame the system. Whoever comes to do it will not survive. Our national team plays like a lottery winner and survives. World-class Vietnamese academy
Movement after the Thai national football team Under 20s under the supervision of Salvador Valero Garcia did not qualify for the finals of the 2023 Asian Football Championships 2023, leading to criticism of the performance of youth football. That this year did not do well. from the ASEAN level
Recently, "Coach Heng" Witthaya Laohakul, Technical Director of Chonburi FC, revealed through "Sports Daily News," which Mr. Wittaya said, "I personally never blame the national team coach. Whoever came would not survive, saying that the whole system must be looked at.”
Coach Heng continued: "In youth development Required properties Thailand has almost none, starting from 1. National youth development programs that must be of quality have good management 2. Consistent competition of youth national teams, both regions and continents, waiting for the ASEAN Championship as if waiting for him to scoop rice into his mouth For example, Japan will organize itself every 3 months, bringing teams from different continents to compete. 3.Plan for personal development Is there a play philosophy? 4.Scouting system that is really systematic data is collected It's not just going to see the players and it's gone all day.”
“5. Analyze player data, both after training, competitions, as well as having the team to monitor the coach's performance. 6. Bringing sports science to support 7. National Academy or national academy in Thailand, there is no academy clubs, only some clubs, mostly private academies, focusing on business Will produce about 2 per cent of good players, so there must be many places or if there is a problem, don't release. There are also other academy players as an alternative. 8.Facilities: Stadium, National Team Gymnasium”
“I am the Asian Football Confederation Council. Responsible for supervising youth football narrowing the gap between Asia and Europe, which is now Japan, South Korea, some Middle East countries It's moving closer At the latest meeting, which was not attended by Thai representatives see information You can see that in Thailand there is no system at all. Thai football is like buying lottery tickets. may win But there is no continuity. In ASEAN, it cannot compete with Vietnam, Indonesia. what is needed It is definitely a danger signal.”
When asked about Econo's work, Coach Heng said: "The past youth football performance cannot be thrown to Econo at all. It can be done like this, Salvador is trying to do a course, which really has been there for a long time.”
"National Academy It's important Teaching methods are different for each age group. Germany has 37 places, Japan 6-7 places to create players. Japan has 200 Shinji Kagawa, South Korea has 100 Son Huang Min, but Thailand has Piyapong (Phi On), Chanathip (Songkrasin), Kiattisak (Sena Muang) the only one.”
Coach Heng also said that "Vietnam's Academy Considered to be of a very world-class standard, it is the top 4 of the continent in Asia, Vietnam, second only to South Korea, Japan and Qatar. Compare it to Dortmund's academy or Bayern Munich."