
"Thai League" sticks to the original resolution, insisting on not rushing to finish the league, the Thai national team gets FIFA Day back.
The resolution has arrived! Thai League 1-2 clubs voted successfully Stick to the original, do not postpone professional football to close faster. to dodge the SEA Games plus the Thai national team Will get FIFA Day March 66 to kick back as usual, and the SEA Games will only be used by players released by the club.
Thai football movement that was before The Football Association of Thailand and Thai League Company Limited will change the professional football program for the 2022-23 season, making the Thai national team Will miss FIFA Day in March next year to speed up the closing of the league from the original May to April 22, 2023 for the Thai national team. There is time to prepare before the 32nd SEA Games in Cambodia. It is expected that men's football will begin on April 28, 2023.
However, there is a strong opposition from social media. and member clubs And at the end of last week, Pol. Gen. Somyot Pumpanmuang President of the Football Association Announcement for relevant parties to review the said plan, which Thai League Co., Ltd. sent a letter asking for opinions to Thai League 1 and 2 clubs.
Latest, on 17 November 2022, there was a news report that The club sent back the answer, both Thai League 1 and Thai League 2, concluded that they would stick to the original program. is not rushing to close the league make the next step Football Association of Thailand, Thai League Co., Ltd. Must discuss with the Thai national team. A set under 23 years old with Yuttana Yimkarun as director and "Coach Har" Issara Sritaro as head coach to athletes who are in the network to play in the SEA Games. that there will be a plan And prepare to coordinate and ask for cooperation from the club in releasing players.
For the traditional competition calendar, Thai Football League 1 will close the season on May 14, 2023, while Thai League 2 will close on April 30, 2023, and the promotion playoff will end on May 27. As for the 28th of May, it's the FA Cup final.
As for the SEA Games football, it is expected that it will begin on April 28, 2023 and will be played until May 15 or 16, 2023, so it is considered that the queue for the Thai national team is fully overlapping, so there is very little chance that there will be a player who is the main club. to attend the SEA Games this time
Sticking to the original competition calendar, the Thai national team will have a FIFA Day kick-off program in March 2023 as usual, while the 2023 SEA Games will only use players released by the club. And the club has the right not to release players as well.