
Thai girls go to Croatia-Hungary! FIVB Selects Youth Host Nation - World Youth
FIVB Announces Host Nation Selection In the youth volleyball competition - the youth world championship was completed.
The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) has confirmed the host nation. The Youth and Youth Volleyball World Championships in 2023 have been released.
FIVB adjusts the youth and youth world championship competitions to be at the same age level. by young men - women It is a competition in the under 19 years old and young men and women. It is a competition in the under 21 age category.
For the youth volleyball competition, boys under the age of 19 will compete at Argentina Between August 4-13, 2023, the women's youth volleyball tournament under 19 years old will compete in Croatia. and Hungary This is the first time to use a co-host system. Between 1-11 August 2023
While the youth volleyball competition under 21 years old will compete in Bahrain. Between July 7-16, 2023 and female youth volleyball under 21 years old will play in Mexico again between August 17-26, 2023.
For the Thai national team, it has participated in the competition in 1 generation, namely, women's youth volleyball under 19 years old.