
Get out of the club! SAVA organizes the SEA Games, separating men and women, ASEAN slaps 4 weeks
ASEAN Rubber Ball Association held a meeting to conclude the SEA Games Compete separately for male and female teams, while the ASEAN Grand Prix has been renamed and is ready to compete for 4 weeks.
On February 19, 2023, the Southeast Asian Volleyball Association (SAVA) held a national meeting to discuss the 2023 ASEAN Volleyball Tournament, with 10 member nations from 11 countries participating.
At the event, Rita Subova (Indonesia), president of the Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC), was the chairman, along with Mr. Kiattipong. Ratchata Kriangkrai Secretary General of the Asian Volleyball Federation and Mr. Somporn Chaibangyang, President of the Volleyball Association of Thailand and President of the Volleyball Association of Southeast Asia, as well as Flying Officer Chanrit Wongprasert, Honorary Lifetime Vice President of the Asian Volleyball Federation attended the event.
Flight Lieutenant Chanrit Wongprasert revealed that “The essence of the meeting was to prepare a competitive plan for the year 2023, the most important being the SEA Games. in Cambodia The beach volleyball competition will be an Olympic qualifying round, round 1, which is a zone qualifying round. Whoever wins will go to the final competition next year. Teams ranked 2-3 still have the right to compete in Phase 2 before reaching Round 3 next year as well. Which beach volleyball will have a big effect on qualifying for the 2024 Olympic Games in France.
"Another important item is This year's ASEAN Grand Prix, which will be renamed the SEA Volleyball League, will host men's and women's teams, and will succeed the Volleyball Nations League (VNL), if agreed. as planned The men's team will start in Indonesia. followed by the Philippines The women's team will start in Vietnam. and continue with Thailand before starting the Asian Women's Volleyball Championship in Nakhon Ratchasima Province"
“If the CV League is agreed upon and will begin in July 2023, we will be able to watch the match every week for four weeks.
On the men's team category will start the first leg in Indonesia between July 21-23, 2023, followed by the second leg in the Philippines Between July 28-30, 2023 and in the category of women's teams, the first leg in Vietnam between 4-6 August 2023 and continued with Thailand Between 11-13 August 2023
The former AVC secretary continued: “For the competition in Thailand in the CV League program, the host province has not yet been determined. Because there are many provinces that want to host as well and President of the Volleyball Association I'm considering going to compete in which province."
"Also in this list It will still be a weekly tournament, about $50,000/week. I think it will be a sustainable program in the future. And will expand to other countries soon.
At the same time, the 32nd SEA Games volleyball tournament in Cambodia. The competition will not start at the same time, the male team will compete between May 3-8, 2023, while the female team will be held between May 9-14, 2023.
"Volleyball at the SEA Games That can not compete at the same time because there is a men's and women's club volleyball competition in the Asian Championship which is close to the SEA Games Therefore, Cambodia was requested to allow the men's team to play first. followed by the women's team category"
The women's club volleyball competition The 23rd Asian Finals 2023 will be held in Vinh Phuc. Vietnam Between April 25 - May 2, 2023 and the men's volleyball club The 23rd Asian Finals 2023 will be held in Manama. in Bahrain Between 14-21 May 2023
In addition, Flight Lieutenant Charnrit also revealed that the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2023 competition in Bangkok and Chonburi Province between 17-26 November 2023 will have teams participating in the men's team competition. And the women's team category, 12 teams each and will be a competition in the under 23 years old (U23) category, where 11 players can be sent and 3 over-age quota players.