
Thai girls are in jar 4! Italian media reveals the team to draw the lottery for the qualifying round
media from italy revealing to the placing team and the bowl of the group lottery in the 2024 Olympic Games qualifying round
dal15al25.gazzetta.it The Italian news site revealed the pot in the group stage draw. Volleyball Olympic Games 2024 qualifying round that will be drawn on March 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Thailand time in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) recently announced the host nation. of the 2024 Olympic Games qualifying rounds, both in the men's team category and women's team There will be a total of 6 fields consisting of China, Japan and Poland, the host of the women's team. Compete between 16-24 September 2023 and Brazil, China and Japan, host of the men's team category. Compete between 30 September - 8 October 2023
For the competition in this qualifying round. There will be a total of 24 teams competing from the team with the best score. Of the world ranking points (FIVB World Ranking), the competition will be divided into 3 groups, 8 teams per group, competing in a round-robin match. Teams ranked 1-2 in each group will pass the final round Olympic Games 2024 in France
While the website dal15al25.gazzetta.it Famous Italian media have revealed the bowl of the teams that will be drawn for the group stage. In this competition, where all 3 host teams will be placed teams and the remaining 21 teams will be in a total of 7 different pots, 3 teams per bowl, with the Thai girls team in Pot 4, along with Canada and Bulgaria.
Pot for men's draw (Brazil, China, Japan Hosts)
Pot 1: Poland, Italy, USA
Pot 2: Argentina, Slovenia, Iran
Pot 3: Serbia, Cuba, Netherlands
Pot 4: Turkey, Canada, Ukraine
Pot 5: Germany, Mexico, Tunisia
Pot 6: Egypt, Belgium, Czech Republic
Pot 7: Bulgaria, Finland, Qatar
Women's team type (China, Japan, Poland Host)
Pot 1: Serbia, Italy, Brazil
Pot 2: USA, Turkey, Dominican
Pot 3: Belgium, Netherlands, Germany
Pot 4: Canada, Thailand, Bulgaria
Pot 5: Puerto Rico, Czech Republic, Colombia
Pot 6: Mexico, Argentina, Korea
Pot 7: Ukraine, Slovenia, Peru