
Thai girls join the Indo line, Myanmar - the men's team duels in Vietnam, catches the 'Sea Games'
The Thai women's team, the old champion, joins the Indonesian, Myanmar and Malaysian groups. The Thai young team is with Vietnam, Malaysia and Myanmar in the 2023 SEA Games.
volleyball match 32nd SEA Games 2023 in Phnom Penh Cambodia have drawn lottery come out successfully
The men's team will compete first. The competition is scheduled between May 3-8, 2023, and there are a total of 7 teams participating in the competition, divided into 2 groups, 3 teams per group and 4 teams per group. To select teams ranked 1-2 through to the semi-finals
The Thai national team is in Group B with 4 teams along with former runners-up Vietnam, Malaysia and Myanmar, while in Group A there are 3 teams consisting of defending champions Indonesia, host Cambodia and third place last time and Singapore.
For the Thai national men's volleyball team Used to win a total of 8 SEA Games titles, as for the results of the 31st SEA Games in Vietnam Finished the race in 4th place.
Division of the women's team Compete between 9-14 May 2023, with a total of 8 teams participating in the competition, divided into 2 groups, 4 teams each. To select teams ranked 1-2 through to the semi-finals
The former Thai women's team is drawn in Group A along with Indonesia, Myanmar and Malaysia, while Group B consists of former runner-up Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines and Singapore.
for the Thai national women's volleyball team Won 13 SEA Games gold medals in a row and won a total of 15 titles
Group A draw results for
men's teams
Group A
1. Indonesia
2. Cambodia
3. Singapore
Group B
1. Vietnam
2. Thailand
3. Malaysia
3. Myanmar
Women's team
group A
1. Thailand
2. Indonesia
3. Myanmar
4. Malaysia
Group B
1. Vietnam
2. Cambodia
3. Philippines
4. Singapore