
"Secretary Joe" confirms that the Thai League next season has a chance to stop the league. Escape the queue for the national team.
Lots of collisions! "Secretary Joe" Mr. Pathis Supapong, secretary general of the Football Association of Thailand Came out to reveal the queue for the national team program that plays big matches at the same time, including the Thai League. Secretary Joe confirmed clearly that there was a 2nd league break in the queue for the national team, while U23 had to wait and see how to solve the problem.
The movement of the "Chang Suek" partisans, the Thai national team, under the age of 23, after only winning the silver medal in the last SEA Games. But there is still a queue to go to the ASEAN U23 Championship in August, hosted by Thailand, including the AFC U23 Championship qualifying round between September 4-12 in Thailand as well. followed by the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China between September 23 and October 8, 2023. However, this period is the time when the Thai league or Thai league opens the league, which currently has not been confirmed. How to adjust the competition schedule? to support various competitions of 23 years
Making the latest "Secretary Joe" Mr. Pathis Supapong, secretary general of the Football Association of Thailand revealed that "the program for the new Thai League season Thai Football Association, Thai League Company Limited, including the Thai national team will focus on the 2023 Asian Cup in Qatar of the Thai national team in the months of January-February next year, which must be braked for at least 1 month.
“In addition, in April 2024, it will be the Asian Championship. Under 23 years old final round in Qatar It was also selected for the Olympic Games. Causing all parties to work very hard in organizing the program to fit perfectly.”
“That's the main reason why Thailand asked to host the AFC U23 Championship qualifying round, which was on FIFA Day. which if Thailand is the host cause you don't have to travel Players can come together quickly. After the competition is over can be returned to the club faster It will be convenient to request players to join the team as well.
Mr. Pathit further said that "The Asian Games Probably like the SEA Games Is not forcing the club to release, so "Coach Har" Issara Sri Taro and Mr. Yutthana Yimkarun, director of the Thai U-23 national team have to negotiate with the club to ask for the players who want to join the team because probably could not close the league during that time because the Thai League will have to break up to 2 big periods as said in January and April next year if it breaks during the Asian Games again will make the Thai League unable to organize the program.
“But I still haven't decided that Will not brake during the Asian Games But if looking at the past SEA Games problems last time in Vietnam A request for a league break was given. The club has a problem. But this time, the league is released for regular competition. then go talk to the club ask for some players It's a beautiful solution.”