
Buriram - BG duel with Daikin Champions Cup players, prelude to the new season
Notify the schedule! Prelude to the opening of the league for the 2022 Daikin Thailand Champions Cup football match on Saturday, August 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM. It is a meeting between Buriram United and BG Pathum United at 80th Birthday Anniversary Stadium
Movement of Thai football industry in The championship fights the champion or Daikin Thailand Champions Cup  that will compete before the start of the new season. It will be a meeting between  " Thunder Castle " Buriram United  will meet  " The Rabbit " BG Pathum United  is considered a prelude before the season starts. It will use the hometown of  " Swat Kat " Nakhon Ratchasima Mazda FC at the  80th  Anniversary Celebration Stadium as a kickoff ring .
Recently, according to Thai League Company Limited as a tournament organizer has notified the calendar of the professional football league Thailand's 2022-23 season comes out and the football competition Daikin Thailand Champions Cup 2022 would like to inform the schedule of football competition Daikin Thailand Champions Cup year 2022.
For the match will be on Saturday, August 6, 2022 at 18:00, a meeting between " Thunder Castle" Buriram United , the Revo Thai League champion team and the Triple Champion. Last season 2021-22 will meet  "The Rabbit" BG Pathum Yanite, the runner-up team of the Revo Thai League in the previous season 2021-22  at the Chaloem Phrakiat Stadium in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. By the live broadcast channel, Thai League Co., Ltd. will inform you again.