
Ekonu won 2 awards! Italy beats Brazil 3-0 to reign the VNL champions
Italy's form is still hot and decisive, defeating Brazil 3-0 set to win the first VNL title, and the team's good back B also won two of the best trophies.
Nations League Women's Volleyball 2022 on 17 July 2022 at Ankara Sports Hall, Ankara, Turkey. and the 3rd place finals with the following results:
The final match is a two- time runner-up Brazil meeting, beating Serbia 3-1 in the semi-finals and entering the final for a third time in a row, and Italy, who have reached the final for the third time. first Including in the playoffs, defeated the host Turkey 3-0 in a fun set
Se Roberto, Brazilian coach Sending players onto the field by Gabi, the great captain of the team, along with Ana Carol in the fast ball position and Makris Canero as the set hand, while Davide Massanti's Italy is led by Paul. La Egonu B at the back and Christina Kirichella in a fast ball position.
In the first set, Italy did a great job, leading from the beginning of the game at 12-6, including still 20-15, but at the end of the game, Brazil chased 22-23, but Italy still closed the game to win 25-23 in the second set. Still Italy leading the way before winning another 25-22, including the third set, the European champions team. Still able to win 25-22
Conclusion of the match, Italy defeated Brazil 3-0, set 25-23, 25-22, 25-22 . Paula Ekonu scored the highest point in this game at 21 points, followed by Guisi Nassimento, the latter B of Brazil at 14 points and Chris Bosetti and Gabi made 11 points each.
Italy won the title for the first time, while Brazil have reached the final three times in a row, but have yet to win the title.
While the third place final was a meeting of the host Turkey with Abra Karakourt B, the good back, along with Ada Erdem, the captain of the team, going on the field to meet with Serbia with Ana Belisha. B after the team captain and Jovana Stefanovic, the veteran fast ball and Sara Loso, the great pillar, lead the team.
And in this game, Serbia did a great job, defeating Turkey 3-0, set 27-25, 25-17, 26-24. Serbian pillar Sara Loso scored the highest score in this game at 19. followed by Abra Caracourt with 14 points.
Summary of all matches
, finals,
Italy beat Brazil 3-0, set 25-23, 25-22, 25-22.
In the third place final
, Serbia defeated Turkey 3-0, set 27-25, 25-17, 26-24.
People Award
for Best Pole 1: Cat Bozetti - Italy
Best Pole 2: Gabi - Brazil
Best Fast Ball 1: Jovana Stefanovic - Serbia
Best Fast Ball 2: Ana Carol - Brazil
, best independent receiver: Monica de Gennaro - Italy
, best set: Alessia Orro - Italy
, best backstop: Paola Egonu - Italy
, best athlete (MVP) : Paola Egonu - Italy
Summary of the tournament standings
1. Italy
2. Brazil
3. Serbia
4. Turkey
5. USA
6. China
7. Japan
8. Thailand
9. Dominican Republic
10. Netherlands
11. Canada
13. Poland
14. Bulgaria
15. Belgium
16. Korea