
Faculty of Discipline called 2 Pao VAR to clarify the events of the Chonburi-Buriram game.
To clarify! Disciplinary Discipline Committee, the association called 2 Pao VAR, such as Mr. Wisawet Sangnakhon and Phattaphong Kitsathit to explain the events that happened during the game. Chonburi met Buriram in the rhythm of the VAR check, the red card of the Buriram players. and acting inappropriately
After the clip appeared During a football match, Chonburi FC met Buriram United club in the 30th minute of the match in the rhythm of the VAR check, the red card of Sasalak Haiprakhon, a Buriram United player, which appeared inappropriate behavior of the VAR assistant referee.
Recently, on September 31, 2022, the Committee on Discipline and Manners of the Association, led by Lt. Gen. Amnuay Nimmano, chairman of the committee, summoned Mr. Wisawet Sangnakorn, VAR referee and Phattaphong Kitsathit, assistant. The VAR referee clarified the incident.
After the meeting, Lt. Gen. Amnuay Nimmano revealed that “from the events that appeared During the game, the association was not calm. by the disciplinary, etiquette committee and the subcommittee to consider the duties of the judge called both referees that appears in the clip to clarify
which, after knowing all It is an expression of joy and joy between each other because they can provide information to assist the referee's decision to make the correct decision. It is not an expression of joy resulting from a decision that is either in your favor or against any one club."
"The Board has warned in writing to both referees showing inappropriate behavior and be especially careful during the performance of duties due to body language Sometimes it can mislead others. and also reiterated all judges to act appropriately in the performance of duties so as not to cause any misunderstandings in the referee This will undermine the credibility of performing duties that affect the image of the association," said Pol Lt Gen Amnuay.