
Thai Futsal League 2021/2022 match program on matchday 18, January 1-2, 2022 at Indoor Stadium Huamark


Premier League: United ok contro il Burnley, 3-1
I Red Devils chiudono i conti già nel primo tempo e ora sono quinti in Premier League grazie a McTominay e Cristiano Ronaldo
Il Manchester United riprende la propria corsa a pieni giri in Premier League dopo il pari in extremis di Newcastle: Burnley steso 3-1 all’Old Trafford. Red Devils in vantaggio all’8’ con la conclusione di prima intenzione di McTominay, su assist di Cristiano Ronaldo; la deviazione di Mee nella propria porta, sul tiro di Sancho, vale il 2-0 al 27’. CR7 sigla il tris al 35’, mentre Lennon accorcia le distanze tre minuti dopo. Rangnick è quinto.
Quarto successo nelle ultime cinque partite di Premier League per il Manchester United che, grazie al 3-1 casalingo sul Burnley, sorpassa in classifica il Tottenham e ora è quinto a parimerito con il West Ham (31 punti). Dopo un’occasione clamorosa sbagliata da Cristiano Ronaldo, che a tu per tu con Hennessey sbaglia tutto calciando di poco alto sopra la traversa, i Red Devils passano comunque in vantaggio all’8’: CR7 manca lo stop al limite, su suggerimento di Greenwood, ma il pallone diventa ottimo per McTominay, il quale di prima intenzione beffa Hennessey sul proprio palo. Al 20’, illusione del gol per i padroni di casa: Shaw fa tutto da solo per poi lasciare partire un potente mancino che termina sull’esterno della rete. La formazione di Rangnick domina in lungo e in largo, trovando così il raddoppio al 27’: Sancho riceve sulla corsia di sinistra da Shaw, si accentra sul destro e piazza la sfera all’angolino, complice anche alla deviazione decisiva di Ben Mee, a cui viene assegnato l’autogol. Cristiano Ronaldo firma il tris al 35’ depositando il tap-in vincente dopo che la sassata da fuori area di McTominay si era infranta sul palo. Lennon approfitta di un controllo sbagliato di Bailly e accorcia le distanze prima dell’intervallo. Nella ripresa, altre occasioni per Greenwood e McTominay, ma il risultato non cambia più. Il Burnley scivola in penultima posizione a quota 11.


"Jenpop" respects the decision of "Mano", but insists that he is ready if given the opportunity.
 Jenpop Phokee, a new star, "Changsuek" of the Thai national team, insists that he respects the decision of "Mano Polking" whether he is given the opportunity to enter the field or not. Fiercely ready to focus on training And if given the opportunity, it's ready. and will do the best job
movement of the Thai national team After doing an excellent job, defeating Indonesia 4-0 in the ASEAN Football Championship "AFF Suzuki Cup 2020", the first final match, which makes the "Thai national team" almost guaranteed to win. Sixth time champion
Most recently, on December 30, 2021, Mano Polking, the Thai national team coach. Still leading some of the team who didn't play on the field in yesterday's game, continued training at Geylang Stadium, Singapore. Thailand men's national football team Conducting training sessions to prepare for the 2020 ASEAN Football Championship, the second final match against the Indonesian national team. In training, "Mano" has divided the players into two groups, the first group, rehabilitating in the pool, while the substitutes go to the training ground as usual.
Jenpop Phokee, a Thai national team player, said, “My physical condition right now. one hundred percent I am happy to be with this Thai national team. will play or not play It's not the first priority.” 
“I see it as gaining experience with seniors in the national team. which is the top Of the Thai national team, such as P Jay, P Aum, P Mui, they have a lot of experience. coming this time I try to collect as much experience as possible. Aren't you worried about not getting on the pitch?"
“I will try my best to train. If given the opportunity, I will do my best. If playing, it's great for us. Indonesia has a good counter-attack. But I'm confident in our team. And we showed it in the first game. Leave the fans to cheer And it's an encouragement for all of us too. We still have one game left. We will definitely not underestimate our competitors.”


Premier, Lukaku non basta al Chelsea. Il City vince e allunga
I Blues vengono raggiunti sull’1-1 al 91’ dal Brighton. Gli uomini di Guardiola battono il Brentford 1-0 con Foden e vanno a +8
Stavolta Lukaku non basta al Chelsea. L’attaccante ex Inter segna per la seconda partita consecutiva, ma i Blues vengono agganciati sull’1-1 dal Brighton, in grado di pareggiare al 91’ con la rete di Welbeck. Ne approfitta il Manchester City, vittorioso 1-0 sul campo del Brentford grazie al gol di Foden su assist di De Bruyne: ora gli uomini di Guardiola, al decimo successo consecutivo, hanno 8 punti di vantaggio sui londinesi e 9 sul Liverpool.
Si conclude con una beffa nel recupero il 2021 ricco di successi per il Chelsea. I Blues non vanno oltre l’1-1 casalingo contro il Brighton e lasciano per strada punti preziosi nella lotta per il titolo di campione inglese. Gli uomini di Tuchel in avvio si rendono pericolosi soltanto su calci piazzati. Al 17’ un’uscita imprecisa di Sanchez sul corner permette ad Azpilicueta di calciare da buona posizione, ma il tiro smorzato da un avversario sbatte contro il palo. Il vantaggio arriva comunque al 28’: angolo di Mount, Lukaku vola per colpire di testa e incrocia all’angolino del secondo palo il pallone dell’1-0. Il Brighton non si dà per vinto e chiama più volte Mendy all’intervento, ma solo con occasioni da fuori. Ci provano Lallana nel primo tempo, MacAllister su punizione e Bissouma nella ripresa, ma tutti i tiri dalla distanza vengono sventati dal portiere. Il Chelsea abbassa troppo il baricentro e Welbeck lo punisce al 91’ con il preciso colpo di testa su cross di Cucurella che vale il gol dell’1-1 definitivo. I Blues, al terzo pari nelle ultime quattro di campionato, rallentano il passo, mentre il Brighton di Potter veleggia a metà classifica.
Il Manchester City non ferma la sua straordinaria corsa e prende sempre più vantaggio in testa alla Premier League. Agli uomini di Guardiola basta il pregevole interno sinistro di Foden, perfettamente lanciato da De Bruyne, per espugnare il campo del Brentford e conquistare il nono successo consecutivo in campionato. Dopo il gol vittoria del centrocampista, arrivato poco dopo il quarto d’ora (pochi minuti dopo un colpo di testa di Wissa salvato sulla linea), gli ospiti controllano il match ma producono pochi altri brividi. Il più ispirato è sempre De Bruyne, che apre corridoi per i compagni e a metà ripresa sorprende Fernandez con un rasoterra da fuori che colpisce il palo. Nel finale il City non trova il colpo del ko, annullato dal Var sul colpo di testa di Laporte in leggero fuorigioco, ma difende senza patemi l’1-0 che lo lancia a +8 sul Chelsea secondo e a +9 sul Liverpool (che ha giocato una partita in meno).


Cat leads the men's team! Korat won the first game - Nakhon Non, two strikers
The devil cat girl won the first game against the Mahakan Pheasants, who lost two stars and slapped them well, while Korat led the men's team. Thailand League
Escola Volleyball Thailand League 17th season 2021-22 at MCC Hall, The Mall Bangkapi on December 29, 2021 is the game in the 3rd week and the results are as follows.
Men's team category, the first pair, Yakuso, RMUTT, Samut Prakan, VC, the freshman won the first game By beating Iam Prince Sisaket VC in a fun 3-1 set 25-17, 25-23, 22-25, 25-20 won an excellent victory.
while the old champion of Nakhon Ratchasima, Cumin C VC, has done an excellent job in another game. By defeating Gold City, Asia University, Koh Kood Cabana 3-0, sets 25-12, 25-22, 25-16, the Cat Devils won 3 games in a row, taking the lead in the men's team this week.
As for the women's team , the old runner-up, Nakhon Ratchasima, Cumin C VC, who has not won anyone in the first two games, meets Nakhon Non, who has won two games on the contrary, and in this game Korat won 3-1, set 26-24, 25 -21, 20-25, 25-18 make the devil cat girl win the first game
In addition, Kattika Kaewpin, the captain of the team, and Wassana Sawangsri, the veteran fast ball Two players of Nakhon Non Still injured during the fourth set. until having to be carried out of the field
And the last match Proflex RSU VC won the first game, defeating Black Power VC 3-0, set 25-15, 25-22, 25-16.
Summary of all pairs,
men's team, 
Yakuso, RMUTT, Samut Prakan, VC, defeating Iam Prince Sisaket VC 3-1, set 25-17, 25-23, 22-25, 25-20
Nakhon Ratchasima Cumin C VC defeated Gold City, Asia University, Koh Kood Cabana 3-0, set 25-12, 25-22, 25-16
Women's team type
Nakhon Ratchasima Cumin C VC defeated Nakhon Non 3-1 set 26-24, 25-21, 20-25, 25-18 Proflex RSU
VC defeated Black Power Ver VC 3-0 sets 25-15, 25-22, 25-16
Points table,
men's team
1. Nakhon Ratchasima, Q Min C, VC won 3, lost 0 with 9 points
2. Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club won 2, lost 1 with 6 points
3. Gold City, Asia University, Koh Kood Kaba Should have won 2 lost 1 with 6 points
4. Phitsanulok VC won 2 lost 1 with 5 points
5. Kasetsart VC won 1 lost 2 with 4 points
6. Phayak Sensee won 1 lost 2 with 3 points
7. Yakuso Ah MUTT Samut Prakan VC won 1 lost 2 with 3 points
8. Iam Prince Sisaket VC won 0 lost 3 with 0 points
Women's team category
1. Supreme Chonburi-E. Tech won 3 lost 0 with 9 points
2. Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club won 2 lost 1 with 6 points
3. Khon Kaen Star VC won 2 lost 1 has 6 points
4. Nakhon Non wins 2 loses 1 has 5 points
5. Proflex RSU VC wins 1 loses 2 has 4 points
6. Nakhon Ratchasima Qmin C VC wins 1 loses 2 has 3 points
7. Kasetsart VC won 1 lost 2 with 2 points
8. Black Power VC won 0 lost 3 with 1 point
The next appointment program is
on January 8, 2022, Nimibutr
Sports Building.
Women's team type
09.00 Kasetsart VC meets Proflex RSU VC (AIS PLAY live broadcast)
Men's team type
12.00 Payak Sensei meets Phitsanulok VC (AIS PLAY live broadcast)
15.00 Kasetsart VC meets Yakuso RMUTT Samut Prakan VC (AIS PLAY live broadcast)
Women's team category
18.00 Khon Kaen Star VC meets Supreme Chonburi-E. Tech (AIS PLAY, PPTV live)
On January 9, 2022, Nimibutr
Sports Building,
men's team category,
8:00 a.m. Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club meets Gold City, Asia University, Ko Kood Cabana Island (AIS PLAY live broadcast)
10.45 a.m. I'm Print X Sisaket VC meets Nakhon Ratchasima Cumin C VC (AIS PLAY live)
Women's team type
13.45 Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club meets Nakhon Non (AIS PLAY, PPTV live)
16.45 Black Power VC meets Nakhon Ratchasima, Q Min C VC (AIS PLAY live broadcast )

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"War Elephants" form a fierce attack on "Inao" messed up, aiming for the 6th championship
"Chanathip" Double 2 Supachok-Bodin hit 1 each. Tung Kawin took the reserve, leading the "War Elephants" of the Thai national team to defeat "Inao" Indonesia 4-0 in the AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 round. The first match to lead the championship for the 6th time 
AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 ASEAN Football Championship in Singapore Regular on Wednesday, December 29, 64, finals, first match at the National Stadium of Singapore at 7:30 p.m. in Thailand time, a pair between the partisan "Garuda" Indonesian national team. The former runner-up of this program 5 times on the field meets with the Thai national team "War Elephants", the degree holder of the most 5 champions in this list.
This game, Indonesia, with "Shin Tae-Yong" as the commander, comes in a 5-4-1 system that can be flexible to switch to 3-4-3. This game has adjusted only 3 positions from the second semi-final game. That defeated hosts Singapore in 120 minutes with a score of 4-2. This game sent 3 players like Edo Febryanshah, Dedic Setiyawan and Irrfan Jaya, a good attacking line who has scored 3 goals. lead as the team's goalscorer Come back to start the real thing in this game again.
The Thai national team with "Mano Polking" changed the system to 4-2-3-1, switching to Elias Dolo to match Krisda Kaman, the back position. Right-left uses Tristan Do and Philip Roller, as well as midfielder Weerathep Pomphan, getting a chance to actually fit in. Part 3 puts Badin Phala to go down the slope on the left. On the right side is Supachok Sarachat, with Teerasil Dangda standing in front of the target to hunt the net.
Starting the game in just one minute, the "war elephant" army almost got a goal to lead when Badin Phala brought the ball up to the left to the end of the back line and decided to shoot, but Nadeo Argavinata still rejected Got it before hitting Supachok Sarachat's arm, making it a handball.
PM 2: The Thai national team got a quick lead from the moment that Philip Roller went up to the right side before slipping into the penalty area. and sends the ball back to the middle before it becomes Chanathip Songkrasin, who sets his foot to hit full focus, the ball goes into the goal beautifully, the kind that Nadeo Argavinata, the Indonesian defenseman, loses the right to save besides This is also the third child of "Captain J" in this tournament.
14 pm. The Thai national team should get the second goal when Supachok Sarachat took the ball up to the end of the left back line before scooping the ball to the second pillar, Badin Phala, volleying full joints without catching Aznawi Mangkuvala. M cleared the ball in the right line but was not out of danger before Elias Dolo had a double header in the middle of the goal, but the ball tragically flew past the crossbar.
No. 34 Elias Dolo, defender of the Thai national team Received a yellow card for the first time in this game. After going hard into the Indonesian midfielder Rachmat Iryanto In the middle of the field, however, at 38 from this rhythm, Elias Dolo has an injury to the left head. until unable to continue playing Before changing Paklao Anan to play instead
41 hrs Indonesia missed a golden opportunity to equalize from the moment Viton Suleman brought the ball back faster to the left before cutting into the middle of the goal. The ball came to the second row and it was Alfeandra Dewanga, who stood alone in the open air, firing with his left hand. But the ball flew unbelievably over the crossbar.
45+2 Army "War Elephants" almost got the second goal again when Supachok Sarachat gave the ball to the left in the penalty area, Badin Phala got a chance to spin around the curve. The ball was turning into the goal, but Nadeo Arca Vinata also showed off the save flying and was able to brush off the back. Before the end of the first half, the Thai national team still led Indonesia 1-0.
50 am. The "War Elephants" army should have scored a goal away when Supachok Sarachat got the ball in front of the penalty area before deciding to shoot himself. The ball ricochets off the Indonesian players, leaving behind.
After another 2 minutes later, at 52 pm Supachok Sarachat got the ball before raising the ball into the penalty area and sending the ball back to Chanathip Songkrasin to shoot his second shot for the Thai national team to lead away. Indonesia 2-0 
p.62 Indonesia's Golden Opportunity Who almost got the door hit the egg when Irrfan Jaya fell into the penalty area on the left. Before taking a shot on the way, but still going to save Siwarak Tessungnoen, who still stands in a good position, can help clear the ball out. 67 Philip Roller takes the ball up to the right before paying back into it. Supachok Sarachat had the opportunity to shoot from far in front of the penalty area. The ball hit the pole beautifully, helping the Thai national team lead 3-0 away from Indonesia.
PM 74 Mano Polking, the head coach of the Thai national team, decided to send Kawin Thammasatchanan second hand goalkeeper Enter the field to watch the pole instead of Siwarak Thesungnoen before 83 am Badin Phala will come to the goal to close the box for the Thai national team to defeat Indonesia 4-0 to win the first match and win the 6th ASEAN Championship
For the AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 program, final match, 2nd match, Thai national team meets Indonesia on January 1, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.


AFF U23 CHAMPIONSHIP 2022 - Draw Results 
Group A: Cambodia, Timor Este, Philippines, Brunei
Group B : Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos🇱🇦
Group C : Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore
The AFF U23 Championship 2022 to held in Cambodia from 14-26,February,2022.


Premier League: il Liverpool cade a Leicester, frena il Tottenham di Conte, Ranieri crolla col West Ham
I Reds perdono 1-0 in casa della squadra di Rodgers, 1-1 degli Spurs col Southampton, sconfitta 4-1 del Watford per mano degli Hammers
Il Liverpool cade 1-0 in casa del Leicester e si allontana dalla vetta: decisiva la rete di Lookman dopo il rigore sbagliato da Salah. Frenata per il Tottenham di Antonio Conte che non va oltre l’1-1 in casa del Southampton nonostante la superiorità numerica: gli Spurs recuperano con Kane il gol di Ward-Prowse. Momento nero per il Watford di Claudio Ranieri che incappa nella quinta sconfitta consecutiva dopo il 4-1 casalingo dal West Ham.
Dopo l’emozionante sfida in Coppa di Lega, vinta dai Reds ai rigori dopo un’incredibile rimonta, tornano in campo Leicester e Liverpool in campionato a distanza di una settimana. Questa volta è il Leicester a vincere e condannare il Liverpool a -6 punti dal City capolista. Pronti via e sono i Reds a partire fortissimo, dopo un quarto Salah ha già la grande occasione di portare avanti i suoi dagli 11 metri ma l’egiziano si fa ipnotizzare da Schmeichel. La squadra di Klopp non si abbatte e ancora il numero 1 danese è bravo sempre su Salah alla mezz’ora, poi Diogo Jota è impreciso nel finale di primo tempo mentre Manè sfiora la traversa in avvio di ripresa. Tante occasioni per il Liverpool e allora è il Leicester a colpire al 59’ con Lookman, entrato da appena tre minuti e autore di una bella percussione in area. Il match diventa bloccato, gli ospiti sono poco brillanti e la manovra è più lenta del solito, gli uomini di Rodgers si affidano alle ripartenze. Ancora Jota mette a lato un facile colpo di testa al minuto 82’, poi Schmeichel è ancora decisivo di piede sul tiro ravvicinato di Van Dijk. Sono le ultime occasioni e il muro del Leicester regge fino al triplice fischio.  
Frenata del Tottenham che perde l’occasione di avvicinare ancora di più la zona Champions, parziale passo falso per la squadra di Conte che non approfitta dell’uomo in più per gran parte dell’incontro. E’ il Southampton ad andare avanti al 25’ con Ward-Prowse, poi la partita si fa nervosa e Salisu rimedia due gialli in dodici minuti regalando la superiorità numerica al Tottenham dal 39’. Gli uomini di Conte ne approfittano subito e dopo due minuti Kane trasforma dagli 11 metri per il pareggio. Usciti dagli spogliatoi, gli Spurs si gettano subito in avanti con forza e al 53’ concretizzano la rivolta ancora con Kane, ma il Var vede un fuorigioco e spezza l’esultanza del Tottenham. Gli ospiti continuano a spingere con tutti gli effettivi, i padroni di casa possono solo alzare il muro in attesa del fischio finale e riescono nella piccola impresa.
Torna alla vittoria il West Ham dopo tre partite e lo fa a spese di un Watford in crisi nera, con la quinta sconfitta consecutiva per la squadra di Claudio Ranieri. Gli Hammers si portano così a 31 punti in piena zona Europa, il Watford invece è appena due punti sopra il terzultimo posto in posizione molto pericolosa. Eppure è proprio il Watford a passare in vantaggio dopo appena quattro minuti con Dennis, ma la reazione del West Ham è rabbiosa e si concretizza nel giro di 180 secondi: Soucek al 27’ e Benrahma al 29’ firmano il micidiale uno-due che ribalta il risultato. Nella ripresa la musica non cambia, anzi al 48’ arriva il tris di Bowen annullato dal Var, poi al 58’ ci pensa Noble su rigore a rafforzare il vantaggio. Gli uomini di Ranieri non reagiscono e anzi nel finale arriva addirittura il pesante poker con Vlasic. 
Crisi senza fine per il Norwich sempre più ultimo in classifica con appena dieci punti. I gialloverdi incassano un pesante 3-0 dal Crystal Palace che invece torna alla vittoria dopo due partite e si assesta a metà classifica in totale tranquillità. La pratica è chiusa già nel primo tempo grazie alle reti di Edouard all’8’, Mateta al 38’ e Schlupp al 42’. Un tris che stende un Norwich incapace di reagire nella ripresa, i padroni di casa allora amministrano fino al fischio finale. 


Super Green pass per i professionisti: anche il calcio verso l'obbligo di vaccinazione
Il Governo non fa eccezioni: a partire dal 10 gennaio servirà il pass rinforzato per poter scendere in campo
Mancavano i calciatori, vittime in questi giorni del Covid come tutto il resto del Mondo, e anche per loro non saranno fatte eccezioni: a partire dal 10 gennaio, come ha pubblicato nelle FAQ (risposte alle domande più frequenti) il Dipartimento per lo sport del governo italiano, tutti gli sportivi professionisti avranno l'obbligo di vaccinazione (o dovranno dimostrare una guarigione avvenuta). In pratica, senza un Green Pass rinforzato non potranno scendere in campo. Questo per poter accedere, come il resto della popolazione, a palestre, piscine, spogliatori e poter svolgere sport di squadra al chiuso.
Il testo del Governo spiega che “a partire dal 10 gennaio 2022, in zona bianca, gialla e arancione, l’accesso a eventi e competizioni sportivi (…), l’accesso a servizi e attività di piscine, centri natatori, palestre, sport di squadra, centri benessere, anche all’interno di strutture ricettive, limitatamente alle attività al chiuso, nonché agli spazi adibiti a spogliatoi e docce (…), sarà consentito esclusivamente ai soggetti in possesso della cosiddetta certificazione verde rafforzata”. 
Eccezioni per nessuno, nemmeno per gli atleti agonisti o di rilevanza nazionale. La misura è infatti richiesta “anche per gli atleti agonisti o di rilevanza nazionale che accedono ai servizi e attività per i quali la normativa lo prevede”. Il green pass base basterà soltanto per gli sport all’aperto senza la necessità di spogliatoio, cosa che per calcio, basket, volley e altri sport non è possibile. In altre parole, il calcio (e lo sport) italiano dovrà presto fare i conti con l’obbligo vaccinale


Senior basketball competition program in THAILAND OPEN MASTER GAMES 2022 between 8-16 January 2021 at the Gymnasium Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla Province
Divided into 3 generations: 41 years old, 51 years old and 60 years old and over


Supreme Leader! Diamond Food returns to good form, Khon Kaen 3-0
Diamond Food returned to perform well, defeating Khon Kaen 3-0. Supreme's form is still strong and won the lead over the years.
Escola Volleyball Thailand League 17th season 2021-22 at MCC Hall, The Mall Bangkapi on December 28, 2021 is the game in the 3rd week and the results are as follows.
Men's team type, the first pair, Phitsanulok VC, led by Amornthep Khanhan, Kittithat Nuwatdee, two stars hit the Thai national team, winning 1, losing 1, meeting Kasetsart VC, a newcomer with Chakkrit Thanomnoi and Phon The previous event won 1, lost 1 as well.
This game, Phitsanulok started well, winning first in the first two sets, leading 25-23, 26-24. But Kasetsart came back to fight brilliantly, winning in the next two sets 26-24, 25-23 draws. 2-2 sets, but the deciding set Phitsanulok won 15-7
Summary Phitsanulok won Kasetsart 3-2, set 25-23, 26-24, 24-26, 23-25, 15-7, making Phitsanulok win 2, lose 1 with 5 points, while Kasetsart won 1, lost 2 with 4 points.
Next up, Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club, vice-champion led by Phusit Phonarin and Bulgarian striker Miroslav Gradinarov performed brilliantly, defeating Payak Sensei. Going overwhelmingly 3-0 sets 25-13, 25-19, 25-17 Diamond Food won 2 lost 1 with 6 points
Women's team category Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club, the reigning champion, who lost 0-3 in the latest game and this game was led by Sasipaporn Chantavisoot and Fernanda Tomei from Brazil against Khon Kaen Sata. VC with Pattiya Chuangjan, including Cutley Pinsuwan and has won 2 games in a row
In this game, Diamond Food is better at dominating the game. especially the aggressive offensive game And defeated 3-0 sets 25-16, 25-18, 25-12, making the former champion win 2, lose 1 with 6 points, while Khon Kaen won 2, lost 1 with 6 points as well
As for Supreme Chonburi-E. Tech, the leader of the crowd continues to do an excellent job, defeating Kasetsart VC 3-0, set 25-13, 25-13, 25-11, a total of 3 games. Pink Dolphins won in a row. 9 full points, leading the crowd until next year
Summary of all pairs,
male team
Phitsanulok VC wins Kasetsart VC 3-2 set 25-23, 26-24, 24-26, 23-25, 15-7
Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club wins Payak Sense 3-0 sets 25-13, 25-19, 25-17
Women's team category
Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club won Khon Kaen Star VC 3-0 set 25-16, 25-18, 25-12
Supreme Chonburi-E. Tech won Kasetsart VC 3-0 Sets 25-13, 25-13, 25-11
Points table,
men's team
1. Gold City, Asia University, Koh Kood Cabana won 2, lost 0 with 6 points
2. Nakhon Ratchasima, Qmin C, VC, won 2, lost 0 with 6 points
3. Diamond Food - Fine Chef Sport Club wins 2 loses 1 with 6 points
4. Phitsanulok VC wins 2 loses 1 with 5 points
5. Kasetsart VC wins 1 loses 2 with 4 points
6. Payak Sensee wins 1 loses 2 with 3 points
7. Yakuso Ah MUTT Samut Prakan VC won 0 lost 2 with 0 points
8. Iam Prince Sisaket VC won 0 lost 2 with 0 points
Women's team category
1. Supreme Chonburi-E. Tech won 3 lost 0 with 9 points
2. Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club won 2 lost 1 with 6 points
3. Khon Kaen Star VC won 2 lost 1 with 6 points
4. Nakhon Non won 2 lost 0 with 5 points
5. Kasetsart VC won 1 lost 2 with 2 points
6. Proflex RSU VC won 0 lost 2 with 1 point
7. Black Power VC won 0 lost 2 with 1 point
8. Nakhon Ratchasima Cumin C VC won 0 lost 2 with 0 points
The next match program
on December 29, 2021,
MCC Hall, The Mall Bangkapi,
men's team,
8.30 am. I am Prince Sisaket VC meets Yakuso, RMUTT, Samut Prakan VC (AIS) PLAY Live broadcast)
11.30 Nakhon Ratchasima, Cumin Sea, VC, Meet Gold City, Asia University, Ko Kood Cabana Island (AIS PLAY live broadcast)
Women's team category
14.30 Nakhon Ratchasima, Q Min C, VC, meets Nakhon Non (AIS PLAY, PPTV live)
17.30 Black Power VC finds Proflex RSU VC (AIS PLAY live)


Thai League Futsal 2021/2022 program on matchday 17 on December 30 at Indoor Stadium Huamark


Chang Suek's last rehearsal before the Indonesian battle, Weerathep Yan is ready to be full
"Mano" leads the army of "War Elephants" to practice the last meal Before the first match with "Inao" Indonesia tomorrow (December 29, 64) on the "Verathep Pomphan" Thai national team midfielder Fiercely ready to enter the field if given the opportunity to insist that the "war elephants" cannot underestimate "Indo", begging fans to join in cheering
The movement of the "War Elephant" army, the Thai national team that is moving forward to prepare before deciding on the championship with "Indonesia" in the ASEAN Football Championship "AFF Suzuki Cup 2020", the first match, in the evening of December 28, "Mano Polking" led the team. Practice for the last meal at Bishan Stadium, Singapore In this training session, the focus was on tactics. Including playing offensive and defensive games in set-pieces
On the side of "Ter" Weerathep Pomphan, the Thai national team midfielder, said that I am fully ready to enter the field if given the opportunity. Both those who did not play and those who did have had a good recovery.”
“In the past we have seen "Indonesia" has already played in the game against Singapore. in the semifinals He has advantages and disadvantages. which we have done homework And practice according to the plan that the coach has planned. Of course, "Mano" gives us confidence. The tactics part It's already in rehearsal. And each person will know what duties to do on the field.”
“Indonesia is a good team with a certain level of quality. On our part, we have to focus on our team. Our goal is to win the championship. We want to follow the goal And do the best. Leave the fans with this. This is the first final match. Thank you to the fans for supporting us. We will do our best to everyone.”
For the Thai national team will meet with the Indonesian national team. The finals of the 2020 ASEAN Championship will be two matches on 29 December 2021 and 1 January 2022 broadcast live on CH7 HD and AIS Play.


The program of the Thai Futsal League 2021/2022 on matchday 17, December 29-30 at the Indoor Stadium Huamark


Globe Soccer Awards, l'Italia fa il pieno a Dubai: miglior nazionale dell'anno, Mancini miglior allenatore
Donnarumma eletto miglior portiere, Bonucci miglior difensore, Pastorello miglior agente del 2021
Nello splendido scenario di Dubai sono andati in scena i Globe Soccer Awards 2021. All'Al Wasl Plaza sono stati premiati i grandi protagonisti del calcio degli ultimi dodici mesi e l'Italia ha fatto incetta di riconoscimenti. Dopo aver conquistato gli Europei, gli Azzurri di Roberto Mancini, votato miglior allenatore del 2021, sono stati infatti nominati miglior team nazionale dell'anno. Gigio Donnarumma e Leonardo Bonucci eletti miglior portiere e miglior difensore del 2021. 
"E' un grande onore, sono contento di ricevere questo premio in questa città fantastica!", ha detto Mancini, che poi ha risposto così a chi gli ha fatto notare che l'Italia non era tra le favorite per la vittoria finale agli Europei. "E' una buona cosa, ma noi ci abbiamo sempre creduto di vincere questi Europei".
"E' un piacere esser qui, non è facile trovare le parole giuste ma voglio dedicarlo ai miei compagni e ai miei allenatori - ha dichiarato invece Leonardo Bonucci ritirando il premio -. Voglio anche ringraziare la mia famiglia".
Il premio di miglior nazionale del 2021 è stato invece commentato dal presidente della Figc, Gabriele Gravina: "E' stato un riconoscimento alla qualità tecnica dei giocatori, all'umilta', alle capacita' dell'allenatore e, soprattutto, alla spinta dei nostri tifosi. Un mix che ha trasformato la squadra in una grande famiglia".
Miglior giocatore dell'anno: Kylian Mbappé
Allenatore dell'anno: Roberto Mancini
Miglior squadra nazionale dell'anno: Italia
Miglior Portiere: Gigio Donnarumma
Miglior difensore: Leonardo Bonucci
Miglior squadra maschile dell'anno: Chelsea
Giocatrice dell'anno: Alexia Putella
Squadra femminile dell'anno: Barcellona
Direttore sportivo dell'anno: Txiki Begirista
Premio all'innovazione: Serie A
Procuratore dell'anno: Federico Pastorello
Miglior Academy africana: Zed FC
Diego Maradona Award: Robert Lewandowski
TikTok's fan giocatore dell'anno: Robert Lewandowski
Miglior marcatore di tutti i tempi: Cristiano Ronaldo
Premio alla carriera: Ronaldinho


Premier League: Cavani salva lo United, 1-1 a Newcastle
Red Devils deludenti nel primo tempo, De Gea salva più volte il risultato. Rangnick è di nuovo sesto
Nel posticipo della 19esima giornata di Premier League termina 1-1 tra Newcastle e Manchester United. Magpies avanti nel punteggio già al 7’ grazie al destro a giro di Saint-Maximin; i padroni di casa costruiscono diverse occasioni per il raddoppio, ma De Gea salva tutto. Arriva così, al 71’, il pareggio firmato da Cavani di tap-in. Nel finale i padroni di casa colpiscono un palo clamoroso. I Red Devils agganciano il West Ham in sesta posizione.
Ralf Rangnick può sorridere: il suo Manchester United coglie un punto preziosissimo al St. James’ Park di Newcastle per come si stavano mettendo le cose. Primo pareggio sulla panchina inglese. Il risultato si sblocca già al 7’ a favore dei padroni di casa: Longstaff ruba palla a Varane sulla trequarti e allarga subito per Saint-Maximin, che al limite dell’area si accentra e col destro a giro lascia impietrito De Gea. Quest’ultimo respingerà poi, al 24’, un destro dalla lunga distanza scagliato da Shelvey. La prima occasione per i Red Devils arriva al 41’: schema su punizione di Bruno Fernandes, ma Dubravka è bravissimo ad anticipare Greenwood, fermato sul tiro. Un bel botta e risposta da parte dei due portieri, rispettivamente su Saint-Maximin e Rashford, caratterizza l’inizio della ripresa. De Gea salva ancora tutto su Fraser e su Saint-Maximin. È così Cavani ad agguantare il pari al 71’: sul cross di Dalot, c’è il primo tentativo respinto da parte del Matador, che poi alla seconda occasione non sbaglia. Lascelles allontana quasi sulla linea il possibile 1-2 ancora su Cavani. Al 90’, però, Murphy colpisce il palo e subito dopo Almiron trova ancora un’altra grande parata di De Gea. Il Newcastle, beffato, rimane seriamente inguaiato in zona retrocessione con 11 punti, mentre lo United ritrova il sesto posto; agganciato il West Ham a quota 28.


Sor. Football informs the club to prepare in advance. Thai League 2021 Completing the race in early May 65 for the national team
Siam Daily Football team asked Patit Suphaphong, secretary-general of the Football Association of Thailand. to the issue of the probability of moving or adjusting the Thai League 1 and Thai League 2 football programs at the end of the second leg In order to comply with the preparation of the Thai national team to fight 3 major battles, including the 2021 SEA Games, the AFCU23 Asian Championship Final 2022, including the Asian Cup qualifiers
By the football secretary revealed that "so far, there is no adjustment of the competition program. But member clubs have been notified of the completion of the race in early May. to prepare for the SEA Games, AFCU23 and the Asian Cup qualifiers."
For the program of the 30th match of the Thai League 1 season 2021-22 Originally scheduled to compete on Saturday, May 21, 65, but may be moved faster to reflect the national team program, the 2021 SEA Games will be played in Vietnam between May 12-23, 65, AFCU. -23 Finals 2022 in Uzbekistan between 1-19 June 20 and the 2023 Asian Cup qualifying round will be played from 8-14 June 65.


Open the injection and prize money of the Thai national team If you win the AFF Suzuki Cup
Combined injection power! Nuanphan Lamsam, Thailand National Team Manager Delighted with the responses from friends and brothers Both the private sector and Thai football lovers Ready to inject an army of war elephants totaling over 26 million baht if they win the ASEAN Championship as a New Year's gift for Thai people successfully. which does not include prize money
After the Thai national team Able to go through to play in the finals of the AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 successfully through "Madam Pang" Nuanphan Lamsam, the Thai national football team manager, revealed that "thanks to all the players, coaches, staff members, foreground and background that united the hearts as one, creating a small smile to Thai people again It is to relieve the pressure on Pang and all the staff. Thank you to all the football fans both in the stadium. and the Thai people at home who continually send encouragement to the Thai national team.”
“Pang is delighted and very pleased that many of my brothers and sisters and friends who are lovers in Thai football. Accept to join in the injection to raise the morale of the Thai war elephant team if they win the victory back home successfully. From the original Pang promised to get 20 million baht injecting money, now the target has been exceeded. The total amount is over 26 million baht because everyone that Pang talks to are asking to be part of helping to restore the faith and dignity of Thai football again. This amount does not include the prize money from the competition, about $300,000 or about 10 million baht.”
The organizations and individuals that have accepted the injecting funding are as follows:
1. TOA Paint (Thailand) Public Company Limited
2. Superfit herbal beverage products under the name of Hokkaido Food and Beverage Company Limited.
Company Limited 3. Saha Pathanapibul Public Company Limited
4. CP 
5. Elephant Brand Drink
6. Bangkok Glass Public Company Limited
7. Bigrim Power Public Company Limited
8. Carabao Tawandang Company Limited
Company Limited 9. Banpu Public Company Limited
11. Osotspa Public Company Limited
12. Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited
13. SPCG Public Company Limited
14. Raimon Land Company Limited Public Company Limited
15. KPN Land Company Limited
16. TQM Insurance Broker Company Limited
17. Group of Principal Capital Public Company Limited
18. Thai-German Meat Product Company Limited
19. Mr. Waw Company Rose Gold (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
20. Audi Thailand
21. AAS Group
22. Ms. Sophana Levichan, American Eagle brand importer
23. AP (Thailand) Public Company Limited
24. Group of Companies Bitkub 
25. Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited and Mrs. Nuanphan Lamsam,
including many others who did not wish to be named 
“In addition, we would like to thank P' Od (Police General Dr. Somyot Phumphanmuang), the president of the association, for giving the Thai national team 10 million baht to inject immediately today as we enter the finals. It is truly a reward for everyone's determination,” said Madam Pang.
In conclusion, if the Thai national team Winning the championship will receive a total injection of over 46 million baht (Madam Pang and supporters 26 million baht + prize money 10 million baht + money injection of the president of the association 10 million baht)
for the Thai national team will compete in the finals of the 2020 ASEAN Championship with the Indonesian national team The first match will be played on 29 December 2021 and the second match will be on 1 January 2022 at the Singapore National Stadium at 7:30 PM. Live on Channel 7 HD.


The program of the Thai Futsal League 2021/2022 on matchday 17 on December 29 at the Indoor Stadium Huamark


The program of the Thai Futsal League 2021/2022 on matchday 16 on December 26 at the Indoor Stadium Huamark


Premier, City esagerato: 6-3 al Leicester. Jorginho e Lukaku lanciano il Chelsea
I Blues rimontano l’Aston Villa 3-1 con due rigori e l’ex Inter, il Manchester vola 6-3 contro il Leicester. Cinquina Arsenal e tris Tottenham, il West Ham va ko
Il Boxing day di Premier League regala un carico di gol ed emozioni. Il Manchester City batte il Leicester con un incredibile 6-3 e allunga in prima posizione a +6 sul Chelsea, vittorioso 3-1 sull’Aston Villa con la rimonta firmata Jorginho (doppietta su rigore) e Lukaku, e sul Liverpool. Successi straripanti anche per l’Arsenal, 5-0 al Norwich, e per il Tottenham di Antonio Conte, 3-0 al Crystal Palace. Il Southampton sconfigge il West Ham 3-2.
Premier, City esagerato: 6-3 al Leicester. Jorginho e Lukaku lanciano il Chelsea
I Blues rimontano l’Aston Villa 3-1 con due rigori e l’ex Inter, il Manchester vola 6-3 contro il Leicester. Cinquina Arsenal e tris Tottenham, il West Ham va ko
Il Boxing day di Premier League regala un carico di gol ed emozioni. Il Manchester City batte il Leicester con un incredibile 6-3 e allunga in prima posizione a +6 sul Chelsea, vittorioso 3-1 sull’Aston Villa con la rimonta firmata Jorginho (doppietta su rigore) e Lukaku, e sul Liverpool. Successi straripanti anche per l’Arsenal, 5-0 al Norwich, e per il Tottenham di Antonio Conte, 3-0 al Crystal Palace. Il Southampton sconfigge il West Ham 3-2.
Premier League, Covid e Boxing Day: Manchester City show
Un Manchester City a due facce batte il Leicester e prova ad allungare in testa alla Premier League. Gli uomini di Guardiola vincono 6-3, soffrendo più di quanto preventivabile all’intervallo, e volano momentaneamente a +6 sul Liverpool secondo. I Cityzens dominano in avvio di partita e dopo 25’ sono già avanti 4-0: la pennellata di De Bruyne, il gol di Gündogan e i rigori segnati da Sterling e dall’ex Mahrez sembrano chiudere la partita ben prima che le squadre vadano negli spogliatoi. Nella ripresa il City abbassa del tutto la guardia e il Leicester rientra, approfittando delle praterie in contropiede. In dieci minuti Maddison, Lookman e Iheanacho scrivono il clamoroso 4-3 e spaventano i padroni di casa, che reagiscono grazie al colpo di testa di Laporte e alla doppietta di Sterling all’87’. Il boxing day da montagne russe porta al Manchester City la nona vittoria di fila in Premier League, mentre il Leicester continua a sgomitare a metà classifica.
L’Arsenal si conferma in stato di grazia e infila la quarta vittoria consecutiva in Premier League, vincendo 5-0 sul campo di un Norwich mai in partita. I Gunners mettono subito in discesa il loro match sbloccando al 6’ con il diagonale di sinistro di Saka a conclusione di una splendida azione corale. Odegaard è la luce dei londinesi e al 43’ inventa il suo secondo assist di giornata, vedendo l’inserimento di Tierney: l’esterno vola sulla sinistra e incrocia il gol del 2-0. La doppietta di Saka, a metà ripresa, con un altro diagonale di mancino toglie ogni dubbio sull’esito dell’incontro, poi il rigore di Lacazette all’84’ e la rete di Smith-Rowe nel recupero arrotondano il punteggio fino al 5-0 finale. Gli uomini di Arteta, lanciatissimi, restano in quarta posizione, a 35, mentre il Norwich, al quarto ko consecutivo, è ultimo a 10.
Si regala un boxing day felice Antonio Conte, che stende il Crystal Palace con un netto 3-0 e rimane in piena corsa per un posto in Champions League. Il suo Tottenham supera un ostacolo insidioso sbloccando l’incontro poco dopo la mezz’ora, quando Harry Kane conclude di prima intenzione il contropiede avviato da Fowler e perfezionato dallo splendido assist di Lucas Moura. Per l’attaccante si tratta del nono gol in carriera nel boxing day, che gli permette di agganciare Robbie Fowler in cima a questa speciale classifica. Gli Spurs mettono in ghiaccio l’incontro in pochi minuti: al 35’ Lucas Moura costruisce e conclude un’altra ripartenza, infilando di testa sul cross di Emerson Royal. Poco dopo Zaha lascia gli ospiti in dieci per una manata che gli vale la seconda ammonizione. Di Heung-Min Son al 74’, di nuovo su assist di Lucas Moura, la zampata del 3-0 finale. Il Tottenham è quinto a 29, ma con le partite da recuperare può ancora entrare nelle prime quattro.
Il Southampton torna a vincere e si tira fuori dalle sabbie mobili della zona salvezza. I Saints sconfiggono 3-2 il West Ham, che con il secondo ko di fila inizia a scivolare lontano dalla zona europea. Partita emozionante fin dall’avvio: gli ospiti sbloccano all’8’ con il mancino di Elyounoussi dal limite dell’area, i padroni di casa spingono ma trovano il pareggio soltanto con l’ingresso in campo di Michail Antonio, al quale bastano appena 3’ nella ripresa per ritrovare il feeling con il gol. Al 60’ Ward-Prowse trova il nuovo sorpasso su rigore, al 66’ Benrahma risponde di nuovo (su assist di Bowen) per il 2-2. Il Southampton ha bisogno di tornare a vincere e trova il terzo, definitivo vantaggio al 70’, quando Bednarek incrocia di testa la punizione di Ward-Prowse il gol del 3-2 finale. I Saints salgono a 20 punti, il West Ham resta a 28.
Il Chelsea torna a vincere in Premier con un 3-1 in rimonta sull’Aston Villa firmato dalle ex stelle del campionato italiano Jorginho e Lukaku. Dopo un avvio poco emozionante, i Blues sfiorano il vantaggio quando il cross fuori misura di Mount scende all’improvviso e tocca la traversa esterna. Passano pochi minuti e a sbloccare sono invece i padroni di casa: al 28’ James prolunga di testa verso la propria porta il cross di Targett e beffa il suo portiere Mendy. Gli uomini di Tuchel rispondono presto, approfittando del rigore concesso per fallo di Cash su Hudson-Odoi. Dal dischetto Jorginho spiazza Martinez e fa 1-1. L’ex bomber dell’Inter Lukaku entra a inizio ripresa e dopo appena 10’ ribalta la partita, spizzando di testa il cross teso di Hudson-Odoi per infilare all’angolino il 2-1. Mount spreca il colpo del ko calciando fuori a porta vuota, ma ci pensano ancora Lukaku-Jorginho: il belga si procura il secondo rigore, l’ex Napoli lo realizza. Il Chelsea festeggia il 3-1 e torna a vincere dopo due pareggi, agganciando il Liverpool (che ha giocato una partita in meno) in seconda posizione, a 6 punti dal City primo. L’Aston Villa resta a 22, a metà classifica.
Il Brighton si piazza in nona posizione solitaria, a quota 23 punti, dopo avere steso agevolmente tra le mura amiche il Brentford. La formazione allenata da Graham Potter domina già nel primo tempo con due occasioni mancate da Burn e Mwepu; dopo di che, su assist proprio di quest’ultimo, ci pensa Leandro Trossard a sbloccare il risultato al 34’ grazie a un meraviglioso e delizioso pallonetto al volo di destro dal fuori area sull’uscita avventata del portiere Alvaro Fernandez. Un’altra gran bella rete dei padroni di casa, firmata al 42’, vale il 2-0 poco prima dell’intervallo: percussione di Moder, controllo e destro proprio sotto l’incrocio dei pali da parte di Neal Maupay. Gli ospiti tentano di riaprire i giochi, ma Robert Sanchez è bravissimo a respingere le opportunità di Baptiste e Pinnock. Webster salva sulla linea il tiro a botta sicura di Ghoddos e così i Seagulls vincono 2-0. La squadra di Frank si stacca a -3 in classifica.


"Changsuek" Chao "Nguyen" 0-0, a total of 2 matches, Thailand won 2-0 through the final as expected. 
"Changsuek", the Thai national team, tight and tight, insisting that the "Daothong" Vietnam 0-0 in the ASEAN Football Championship semi-final, second match, resulting in a total score of 2 games, the Thai national team passed through to the finals to meet with " Adonis "Indonesia" duel 2 matches 29 Dec. 64 and 1 Jan 65 at 19.30
ASEAN Football Championship "AFF Suzuki Cup 2020" in Singapore Semifinals, second match on Sunday, December 26, 2021 at the Singapore National Stadium at 7:30 p.m. The pair between the "Chang Suek" Thai national team meets the former champion of the "Golden Dao" army, the Vietnamese national team, in the first match, "Chang Battle" to win the advantage before 2-0
This game,  "Mano Polking" still has a 4-4-2 system, but has slightly adjusted the army by changing 2 positions from the first game by sending Thitiphan Phuangchan to start the real one before Thanawat. Deep in spirit, as well as Pathomphon Charoenrattanapirom Received the opportunity to start instead of Supachok Sarachat . The rest was still a full core, led by "Captain J" Chanathip Songkrasin, Theerathon Bunmathan, Sarat Yuyen, and Teerasil Dangda Young. Hunt down the net as usual
The Vietnamese national team , "Park Han Sol" game warden system to 3-5-2, but the game has changed squad from his first game of the five tracks from Diu Minh game is ineligible to play because of a shoulder injury. After a hard clash with Supachai Jaided from the past game, the other four , namely Nguyen Tuan Anh, Wu Van Tan, Nguyen Van Tuan and Nguyen Cong Phuong, are just named All backups
Starting the game at 4 pm, Vietnam almost got a goal to lead from the rhythm of the melee ball in the penalty area Before the ball came in, Nguyen Thien Linh had a full shot in the penalty area, but still good that the ball went straight to Chatchai Butprom .
19 pm Thai national team, a little nervous from the moment that Chatchai Butprom, Dan Thap "Chang Suek" boss ran out to slide the ball with Ha Duc Ching, a Vietnamese player. Tried to run into it as well. But still good at the last moment, Chatchai Butprom reached the ball before narrowly surviving the penalty.
23 pm Vietnam has a chance to win the lead again from the moment when Theerathon Bunmathan loses the ball in front of his own penalty area, Nguyen Quang Hai cuts the ball before paying to the right side for Ho Tan Ta Y has hit the whole point with the right But it's still good that the ball flew over the crossbar.
Nguyen Kuang Hai cuts the ball up from his own yard. Chatchai Butprom ran out of the penalty area quickly, allowing him to clear the ball before Nguyen Tian Linh reached the ball. However, from this rhythm, Chatchai Butprom has a knee injury that requires first aid. Before he could continue playing, he had to change Siwarak Tesungnoen to watch the pole instead at 33 am.
PM 35 Thitiphan Puangchan was the first yellow card of this game. After cutting a foul on Van Van Duke, who led the ball up to the center of the area in front of the penalty area. And from a continuous rhythm, Nguyen Guang Hai spun a free-kick ball, curved over the hook wall in the frame, Siwarak Tesungnoen received the ball, but was still good that the ball was not far away to catch up.
43 pm Vietnam should have a goal to lead Thailand too much from a corner kick on the left side. The ball opened into the penalty area and it was Ho Tan Tai who had a full head focus, but the ball pushed the ball past the post, unfortunately.
PM 45+6 The first golden opportunity for the Thai national team when Sarat Yuyen passes the ball to the left for Theerathon Bunmathan with a full left jab. The ball flew into the frame, but Tran Nguyen Manh still flew away immediately after.
At the end of the first half, the Thai national team is still 0-0 with Vietnam. 
In the second half, Thailand changed two people by sending Elias Dolo and Thanawat Khungchitthaworn to play instead of Thitiphan Phuangchan and Pathomphon Charoenrattanapirom, 59, Vietnam, who came to win from a free kick at Nghia. Yon Kuang Hai rode with the left, but Siwarak Thesungnoen was able to round off the back.
69 minutes, Thailand changed the 4th person by sending Pok Klao Anan to play instead of Sarat Yuyen and in the 83th minute, Thailand changed the last person, sending Supachai Jaidet to play instead of Teerasil Dangda, the rest of the time, no more goals.
End of the game, Thailand drew with Vietnam 0-0, with a total score of 2 games, Thailand won 2-0, ready to make Thailand qualified for the finals of the 2020 ASEAN Championships to meet Indonesia, which will compete in two matches on December 29, 2021 and January 1, 2022.
11 real ones, Thai national team
Thai national team: Chatchai Butprom (GK), Narubadin Weerawatnodom, Kritsada Kaman, Manuel Tom Bierha, Theerathon Bunmathan, Sarat Yuyen, Phithiwat Suk Jitthamkul, Thitiphan Phuangchan, Chanathip Songkrasin, Pathomphon Charoenrattanapirom, Teerasil Dangda
Vietnam national team: Tran Nguyen Manh (Goalkeeper), Quy Ngoc Hai, Bui Tien Dung, Nguyen Phong Hong Duy (Nguyen Van Tuan), Ho Tan Tai (Le Van Xuan), Nguyen Hoang Duc, Nguyen Thanh Thung, Ha Duc Ching (Nguyen Cong Phuong), Nguyen K Wong Hai, Phan Van Duc (Nguyen Tuan Anh, Pham Xuan Mann), Nguyen Thien Linh


Escola Volleyball Thailand League 17th season 2021-22
MCC Hall The Mall Bangkapi
December 28 - 29, 2021


Drama! Singapore missed a penalty before being beaten by Indonesia in extra-time to reach the final
The most dramatic drama "Inao" Indonesia shot 2 tablets in extra time, killing the dream of Singapore 8 people 4-2, although Singapore had a chance to win first, but missed the penalty kick in the 90th minute of the match, missed the penalty spot, totaling 2 Appointment "Inao" Hei 5-3 to wait for the final
Football match "AFF Suzuki Cup 2020" on Saturday, December 25, 64, is a game in the second semi-final at the National Stadium of Singapore at 7:30 p.m. Thailand time, between the teams. Indonesia national team on the field to meet with the Singapore national team With the results of the first game, both were tied at 1-1. In
this game, Garuda Indonesia, with "Shin Tae Yong" as the commander of the army, set up a 5-4-1 system, led by Aznawi Manggu. Valam, Rachmat Iryanto, Ricky Kambuaya, in front of the target, use Ezra Valiant to hunt the net for "Merlions" Singapore with "Tatsuma Yoshi". Da" takes control of the army. This game has a 4-1-4-1 system with Irrfan Fandi, Hariss Harun, Safuwan Baharudin and Hafiz Nor leading the team.
Start the game at 6 am from the disappointment of Irrfan Fandi, the Singapore defender misses the ball, causing the Indonesian players Intercept the ball before Ricky Kambuaya has the ball in the right box area to have a chance to shoot the ball. The ball hit the tip of Hassan Sunny, narrowly brushed off at
11 am. Indonesia came to the goal to lead 1-0 from the moment that Ramai Rumaqik cut the ball in the middle and continued with Viton Su. Leman slipped into the right-hand penalty area. Before slashing the ball into the middle and Ezra Valiant, who easily shot into the ball at 36 Safuwan Baharudin, the Singapore defender The first yellow card of the game After using the body against Viton Suleman, the Indonesian offensive line fell in front of the penalty area
41 pm Singapore almost equalized from the counter-attack, Song Ui-yong brought the ball up before passing to the left for Hafiz Nor had a left-footed shot, but the ball hit Nadeo Arca. Vinata was able to brush off in stoppage time at 45 + 2, Singapore left 10 people when Safuwan Baharudin, defender of Singapore Got a second yellow card, a red card, was sent off to take a shower as the first one immediately,
but at 45 + 3 became Singapore came to the goal, equalized 1-1 from the stroke of a free-kick on the right side of the line The ball opened into the penalty area, Irrfan Fandy nudged the ball later for Song Oui – Yong had smashed into the door, leaving no remains. until the end of the first half with this score Making the total score of two matches, the "Garuda" army is still always the host of the party. "Merlions" stay 2-2
Returning to the second half at 59, Indonesia almost got the goal to lead from the right corner kick. The ball opened before coming off at Rizky Redo, who had focused his shot in the penalty area, but the ball crashed into it.
The beam bounced off unfortunately, but at 65 am Singapore, there were 9 players left when Irrfan Fandi, a good defender, hit Irrfan Jaya, an Indonesian player who was about to fall solo into the penalty area from Behind where Irrfan Fandi stood as the last. causing the referee to directly issue a red card without any excuse,
but at 74 became the Singapore side The remaining 9 players came to the door, turning up to lead Indonesia 2-1 from a free-kick rhythm in front of the penalty area. Shahdan Sulaiman ran in and spun this ball into the goal beautifully. 87 Indonesia came. The goal was equalized 2-2 until from the moment that Viton Suleman shot in the penalty area, the first stroke hit the post. But the ball pushed back into the gun and it was Pratama Arhan who fired into nothing.
But at 89 pm Singapore took the penalty when Pratama Arhan, the scorer of the equalizer, went late on Chaval Annoir in the penalty area, the referee immediately pointed it out. That Faris Ramli pushed a shot to save Nadeo Argavinata, who flew to brush the ball out after the 90-minute game ended, Indonesia is still tied with Singapore, with the remaining 9 players 2-2, a total of two goals. The match was still tied 3-3 with an additional 30 minutes of extra time.
Extra time 91. Indonesia took a quick 3-2 lead from the stroke of the Singapore players. Trying to clear the ball on the penalty area, but the pressure was not broken before Irrfan Jaya, the Indonesian offensive line. Trying to run to get involved will nudge the ball into the goal before 105 am Eki Maulana Figri will shoot for Indonesia to lead 4-2 and finish the first 15 minutes of extra time with this score.
In the last 15 minutes of extra time, 119 Singapore, there are 8 players left when Hassan Sunny, the goalkeeper of Singapore. Ran out of the penalty area and rushed into Irrfan Jaya, falling down, causing the referee to immediately give a red card to Hassan Sunny, finishing 120 minutes, Indonesia defeated Singapore with the remaining 8 players 4-2 in total. The result of 2 matches, Garuda's army defeated the host "Lod Chong" 5-3, making Indonesia Break through to the finals Waiting to meet the winner between the Thai national team, who will move with the "old champion" Vietnam on Sunday, December 26,
for the final game, will compete in two matches as well, with the first match being played on Wednesday. December 29, 64 and the second match will kick off on Saturday January 1, 65, with both matches competing at the Singapore National Stadium at 7:30 p.m. Thailand time. Live broadcast on Channel 7 HD and Channel AIS Play


Team of the Year Escola Thailand League 2022 Men's Week 2
Escola Volleyball Thailand League 17 season 2021-22 returns to compete again in Week 2. And as always, SMMSPORT has gathered the best players. in each position of the men's team Let's follow
Hua Sao
Wanchai Thapwiset : Nakhon Ratchasima Cumin C VC
Captain of the Evil Cat Team Enter the field as the main character for the team throughout the game. And has an important role in both offensive games with 20 points, including the defensive game, from bringing the team to turn the game back to beat Phayak Sensei 3-1 set to win the second game
Supakorn Janethaisong : Phitsanulok VC
The 22-year-old youngster just moved to the youth team for the first season. And this game faces hard work like Diamond Food-Fine Chef SC, although it can't lead the team to victory. but also showing excellent form by making 21 points, the highest in the team
Fast Ball
Krisada Nilsawai : Diamond Food-Fine Chef SC
The 29-year-old Thai national team is still a player who serves in the front of the team continuously. and this week Still scoring a total of 5 points from the offensive game and another 6 points from the block game, plus 1 point serving the ball, leading the team to defeat Phitsanulok VC 3-0 set
Thanakorn Chuaymee : Gold City, Asia University, Kood Cabana Island
The 22-year-old star has started as the first six for the team. and help the team to do both offensive games Including blocking in front of the net well in many points by making an offensive game 4 points, blocking another 4 points and serving another 2 points, leading the team to defeat Yakuso RMUTT Samut Prakan VC 3- 0 sets
Wattikorn Inphaha : Kasetsart VC
A 19-year-old settling team led the agency as a freshman. Win for the first time in the Thailand League this season. Which is referred to as helping the team, both passing the ball well and being versatile until the hitter can score continuously before defeating Iam Prince Sisaket VC 3-0 set
Sergei Rezanov: Nakhon Ratchasima, Qminsi, VC
B behind the Kazakhstan national team Still effective in decisive offensive games and continued excellent This game scored 18 points from the offensive game for the team and a total of 20 points led the team to turn the game back to defeat the Tiger Sensei 3-1 set.
Independent receiver
Yutthakan Boonrat : Diamond Food-Fine Chef SC
The 22-year-old defensive line has helped the Diamond Food team in the defensive game well. Both save points helped the team many times. And also get beautiful balls for the team to get many balls until leading the team to defeat Phitsanulok VC without losing a set
, Lieutenant Colonel Somboon Nakpueng : Diamond Food-Fine Chef SC
Even with heavy work like Phitsanulok with many good form players, but getting foreign players back onto the field and motivate the team Including adjusting the game well, both in the first set, including the third set, until the team came back to win without losing a set And it was the first win of the season.
Player of the Week
: Jakkrit Thanomnoi: Kasetsart VC
The 18-year-old star has just played in the Thailand League for the first season. And the game shows a scorching form for Kasetsart with an aggressive attacking game from both the head of the pole. And from the back, made 24 points, defeating Iam Prince Sisaket VC 3-0 set
Best Player Thailand League Men's Team Week 2
Rezanov - Krisada - Supakorn
Wanchai - Thakon - Wattikorn
L : Yuthikan
Coach: Somboon
MVP: Chakkrit


Team of the Year Escola Thailand League 2022 Women Week 2
Escola Volleyball Thailand League 17 season 2021-22 returns to compete again in Week 2. And as always, SMMSPORT has gathered the best players. in each position of the women's team Let's follow
Hua Sao
Panida Yokawat : Kasetsart VC
20-year-old striker who has just played for the new agency for the first season Excellent show Especially in the offensive game that made 17 points and blocked another 3 points, led the team to come back to defeat Black Power VC 3-2 sets.
Kattika Kaewpin : Nakornnon
Former Thailand League goalscorer is also the leader of the pheasant team Both on and off the field by this game, even if it's a long game. But referred to in the offensive game well, slapping a total of 29 points, the highest this week. And Pati beats Proflex RSU VC 3-2 sets
Fast Ball
Phannapha Chanpuk: Black Power VC
The 21-year-old striker is also doing an excellent job of attacking. including blocking in front of the net This game, although the team lost to Kasetsart VC 2-3 sets, but still managed to score a total of 21 points together.
Hatairat Jarat : Khon Kaen Star VC
Benjapace Fast Ball who just came back from the Japanese league on the field for the old team and come back to breaking into good form Made an offensive game of 8 points, blocked another 4 points and served an ace for another 1 point, leading the team to turn back to win the victory against Nakhon Ratchasima, Qmin C, VC 3-1 set.
Patrathip Saentrakul : Khon Kaen Star VC
Is another game that the 25-year-old set has shown a good playing form. Both passing the ball to good teammates. It also includes both defensive games. That helps the team save many points or a block game that makes the team reach 4 points (total score 7 points) leading the team to defeat Nakhon Ratchasima, Qmin C, VC 3-1 set
Mylene Paat: Nakhon Ratchasima, Cumin C, VC
B behind the Philippines national team Perform well in the offensive game and is the heart of the team to score Despite not being able to lead the team to defeat Khon Kaen Star VC, but the referee has scored the most points in this game, reaching 27 points.
Independent receiver
Piyanut Pannoi : Supreme Chonburi-E. Tech
32-year-old Thai national team defender who has returned to play in the top league again Helping the team in the defensive game is great. lead the army to defeat Diamond Food-Fine Chef SC without losing a set and lead the team to the leader of this week
Apirat Ngamrit: Khon Kaen Star VC
Adjusting the game of the team that is doing well. Even before losing in the first game but also to awaken the team to return to perform well in the rest of the game Until he overtaken the victory against Nakhon Ratchasima, cumin 3-1 set and was the second game victory of the team in a row this season.
Best Player of the Week:
Kannikar Thipachot: Supreme Chonburi-E. Tech
The new transfer of the 28-year-old striker has brought her back to an outstanding performance. And show form to score in all skills, slapping 19 points, blocking 2 points and ace 1 point, totaling 22 points, leading the team to defeat Diamond Food-Fine Chef SC 3-0 set
Best Player Thailand League Women's Team Week 2 Paat - Phannapha
- Panida
Kattika - Hatairat - Patrathip
L: Piyanuch
Coach: Apirat
MVP: Kannikar


"Mano" insists the second match will not play for sure It's not a "war elephant" approach. 
Mano Polking, head coach of the Thai national team Continuing forward, not stopping to practice, ready to be aggressive. In the second game, the "Thai national team" will play the same style. and does not play defensive games to take the results of the competition And will play the game of attack in the style and approach of "us" to win 
The movement of the "War Elephants" army, the Thai national team, after winning over "Vietnam" 2-0 in the "AFF Suzuki Cup 2020" semi-final first match, ready to hold the advantage before going down Duel again in the second game on December 26, 2021.
Latest on December 24, 2021 at 4 p.m. at Clementi Stadium, Thai men's national football team keep practicing to prepare for the 2020 ASEAN Football Championship, the second semi-final match that will meet The Vietnamese national team, before training, had a downpour of rain, causing the practice to begin a little delay, causing "Coach Mano" to divide the players into two sets. Players playing for the Vietnamese national team will be rested and Rejuvenate at the hotel The reserve and those who did not enter the field call for fitness such training It takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Mano Polking, the Thai national team coach, said: "We have to check the symptoms of some players who have minor injuries. Some were bruised. And we have another day but no one was seriously hurt. Now we have to see how fit they are. And what percentage are you ready for the next game?”
“It's not easy to have a few days off. But both teams are in the same situation. It's about rest, recovery, eating well. Our main task now is game analysis. to make us position it correctly Reduce errors that occur in the next game."
"The story that many people get yellow cards. We should not worry We have to look into the field to win. We have many players in this squad. that can be replaced We have no reason to change our approach. or to reduce aggression We have to prove that this team has the potential to replace each other. Our work is not over yet. Another very important match We must continue to do well.”
"We're definitely going to relax the game or something. And we wouldn't focus on the game. In the second half with them we didn't back down. But we decided to focus more on the center compact. but it doesn't work Now we have time to recover. and try to correct the error And we have to start the second leg game like the first leg game. to try to put pressure on the top half in the first half until he got two goals We have to try to play in our own style. We have to wait and see what is appropriate.”
"We always need everyone. We always say We can feel the encouragement that everyone sends. whether in the field or at home I always talk to everyone that everyone can empower us and it is important We must be one Every player knows that. So are all the coaching staff. Hope everyone will continue to support us. I hope in the end we can bring the championship back to everyone.”
The next match program for the Thai national team will meet with the Vietnamese national team. Semifinals of the ASEAN Championship The second match will be played on December 26, 2021, with all matches live on CH7 HD and AIS Play.


here has been a change in the time of the game in the Final Games 2 Update the schedule of basketball DIVISION 1 Championship of Thailand Year 2021 On Saturday, December 25, 2021, there will be 3rd place competitions for both the women's team and the men's team, including the final game at 2 Both the men's and women's teams are the same.