
"Mano" insists the second match will not play for sure It's not a "war elephant" approach. 
Mano Polking, head coach of the Thai national team Continuing forward, not stopping to practice, ready to be aggressive. In the second game, the "Thai national team" will play the same style. and does not play defensive games to take the results of the competition And will play the game of attack in the style and approach of "us" to win 
The movement of the "War Elephants" army, the Thai national team, after winning over "Vietnam" 2-0 in the "AFF Suzuki Cup 2020" semi-final first match, ready to hold the advantage before going down Duel again in the second game on December 26, 2021.
Latest on December 24, 2021 at 4 p.m. at Clementi Stadium, Thai men's national football team keep practicing to prepare for the 2020 ASEAN Football Championship, the second semi-final match that will meet The Vietnamese national team, before training, had a downpour of rain, causing the practice to begin a little delay, causing "Coach Mano" to divide the players into two sets. Players playing for the Vietnamese national team will be rested and Rejuvenate at the hotel The reserve and those who did not enter the field call for fitness such training It takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Mano Polking, the Thai national team coach, said: "We have to check the symptoms of some players who have minor injuries. Some were bruised. And we have another day but no one was seriously hurt. Now we have to see how fit they are. And what percentage are you ready for the next game?”
“It's not easy to have a few days off. But both teams are in the same situation. It's about rest, recovery, eating well. Our main task now is game analysis. to make us position it correctly Reduce errors that occur in the next game."
"The story that many people get yellow cards. We should not worry We have to look into the field to win. We have many players in this squad. that can be replaced We have no reason to change our approach. or to reduce aggression We have to prove that this team has the potential to replace each other. Our work is not over yet. Another very important match We must continue to do well.”
"We're definitely going to relax the game or something. And we wouldn't focus on the game. In the second half with them we didn't back down. But we decided to focus more on the center compact. but it doesn't work Now we have time to recover. and try to correct the error And we have to start the second leg game like the first leg game. to try to put pressure on the top half in the first half until he got two goals We have to try to play in our own style. We have to wait and see what is appropriate.”
"We always need everyone. We always say We can feel the encouragement that everyone sends. whether in the field or at home I always talk to everyone that everyone can empower us and it is important We must be one Every player knows that. So are all the coaching staff. Hope everyone will continue to support us. I hope in the end we can bring the championship back to everyone.”
The next match program for the Thai national team will meet with the Vietnamese national team. Semifinals of the ASEAN Championship The second match will be played on December 26, 2021, with all matches live on CH7 HD and AIS Play.