
"Aussie" starts first Olympic athlete Arrived in "Japan"
When Japan still insists on organizing the "Olympics" recently, the first team of athletes has already arrived in Japan. Revealed as an Australian national softball player All were kept in the room. They are tested daily and are not allowed to go out.
In the midst of the "COVID" situation that is still spreading around the world including Japan Host of the Olympic Games Between July 23 and August 8, however, the host has confirmed that the tournament will be held. Recently, the first team of athletes has arrived in Japan. It is the Australian national softball team. When they arrived in Japan on June 6, all stayed and kept away from the community far away from Tokyo.
 At the same time, the competition management Send staff to check the infection every day. All athletes can only exercise in the hotel's fitness facility. and only allow no more than six people at a time Although all athletes in Australia have been vaccinated with full doses. But the host has not let go to public places such as restaurants. or even a shrine or any attractions
"We're being lab rats for everyone. because we are making it possible to see that it can be arranged. And it's very safe," said a member of the Australian softball team. While more than 100 sports teams have announced their withdrawals earlier. In addition, communities that previously signed up as one of the 528 communities that will welcome Japan's Olympic teams have withdrawn from one of the host communities. four as well