
First of all friends! America announces the names of 12 Japanese players
American girl slap team Confirm the list of 12 players who will travel to the Olympic Games in Japan.
usavolleyball.org Announcing the list of USA women's national volleyball players to participate in the 2020 Olympic Volleyball Games in Tokyo Japan come out
The two-time Nations League champions are defending their third consecutive title in Rimini, Italy, before announcing the list of 12 Olympic athletes.
List of athletes
1. Mica Hancock
2. Jordan Poulter
3. Jordan Larson
4. Michelle Bartsch-Hackley
5. Kim Hill
6. Kelsey Robinson
7. Annie Drews
8. Jordan Thompson
Fast Ball
19. Voluk Akinradevo Gunderson
10. Haleh Washington
11. Chiaka Okboku
Independent receiver
12. Justin Wong-Oronte
Head Instructor
Kash Kirai
America, Bronze Medalist The 2016 tournament will be in Group B at the 2020 Olympics alongside China, Russia, Italy, Argentina and Turkey.
The 2020 Olympic Games will be played from July 23 to August 8, 2021 in Tokyo. Japan