
Can't resist! Thailand fights with all its heart, losing to the host - Uzbekistan, winning the group's championship in the Asian Cup
The Thai national team can't resist. The host has accelerated the first half to stock up 2 goals, although the second half can do better, but there is no consolation goal. The end of the game, Uzbekistan, collects 9 full points, wins the group C champion, while Thailand loses the first game and stops. at 6 points, but still good enough to go through to play in the final 2023 Asian Cup qualifiers on Tuesday night
2023 Asian Cup qualifiers in Uzbekistan Tuesday, June 14, 65 is the last game of Group C at Margasy Stadium at 10:30 p.m. Thailand time, a pair between the Uzbekistan national team, the 83rd ranked team in the world. There are 6 points from 2 games, going on the field against the Thai national team, the team ranked 111 in the world with 6 points from 2 games as well, but the difference in goals has lost the Thai football team by 2 goals
Before the game starts, both teams have good news from the results. Group B competition after the Philippines That before the game has 4 points and has a chance to qualify for the second best if winning the last game But the pressure was defeated by The Palestinian national team 0-4 makes Uzbekistan and Thailand, who have 6 full points from the first two games, to be guaranteed through to play in the final immediately. causing this pair to kick in to win the title of Group C champion only