
Sent back to Thailand for treatment! The rubber ball association explains Tad Dao injury in VNL
Rubber Ball Association Explaining injuries of fast balls from V.League Ready to be sent back to Thailand for treatment after the first week of VNL games
Volleyball Association of Thailand Informed about the injury of Taddao Nukjaeng, the Thai national team's fast ball who has been in an accident during the race in the field Nations League 2022 Women's Volleyball Tournament 3rd match against Belgium in Ankara, Turkey
from such injuries The quick ball from JT Marvelus had to be substituted early in the second set. And there is no name on the field for the team in the fourth match against the Chinese national team, and the association has explained in this case that
From the accident of Taddao Nukchaeng, Thai women's national volleyball player During the Volleyball Nations League (VNL) match between Thailand and Belgium on June 4, 2022 in Turkey, the Medical and Sports Science Department Volleyball Association of Thailand Summarizes Taddao's injuries. Please note as follows:
Initially, Thaddao had a back injury in the lower left lumbar region. unable to stand therefore taken to the hospital The physical examination revealed no injuries or signs of nerve damage. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the lower lumbar region shows a fracture of the left phalanx of the 1st and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, which is the attachment point of the psoas muscle. Hip flexion is assumed to be caused by intense contraction of the tenderloin muscles while falling. and muscle spasms causing bone fractures
Tad Dao's treatment In Turkey, doctors have given palliative treatment. The medical team of the association had consulted and concluded a preliminary opinion that can be treated with a non-surgical method It will take about 6-8 weeks to heal and it is recommended to come back for a detailed examination in Thailand soon again. To determine a way to heal as quickly as possible, which the association has coordinated with the trainers and then set Tad Dao. Come back for treatment in Thailand by arriving at Suvarnabhumi Airport on the morning of June 7, 2022 and staying for examination and treatment at Piyavet Hospital. by the medical team of the association will coordinate with the medical team of Piyavate Hospital To take care of Tad Dao Get well soon to come back to help the Thai national volleyball team in the world championships at the end of this year.
Still waiting for confirmation from the association. about changing the players of the Thai national team In the 2nd week of competition in Manila Philippines again