
"Thai League" offers to adjust the program to facilitate the SEA Games and the Asian Championship.
Thai League proposes a plan to organize a new league program to fit in with the national team in order to keep Luis for the SEA Games and the final round of the AFC U23 Football Championship. 
According to the program of the SEA Games in Vietnam Originally scheduled to be held in 2021, the tournament was rescheduled in May 2022, causing the program of the Thai national football team in the SEA Games to overlap with the original Thai League and Cup football tournament programs.
Made the latest on November 16, 2021, the Football Association of Thailand and the Thai League Company Limited” led by Mr. Kornavi Prissananantakul Acting president of Thai League Co., Ltd. and Mr. Patit Suphaphong, secretary of the association, along with Mano Polking, head coach of the Thai national football team, coaching staff and "Coach Chok" Choktawee Phromrat, assistant coach of men's football Thai national team Under 23 years old, "Madam Pang" Nuanphan Lamsam, manager of the Thai national team and under 23 years old, has joined the discussions to find the best solution for the Football League at the end of the season. and the Thai national team in the SEA Games The Asian Cup qualifiers and the AFC U23 Championship final will be held in the middle of next year at the same time.
In this regard, the Thai League Company has presented guidelines for planning a new football league competition. To be in line with the national team program And can still have enough time to prepare for the SEA Games. As for FIFA Day in January and March 2022, it will be able to allow the Thai national team to organize a warm-up match. The Thai League Company will present guidelines to all parties concerned for further decision-making.