
"Bungyi", frankly speaking, the Thai League has deteriorated, the management lacks supervision of the member clubs.
Siam Daily Football team asked "Bangyi" Worawee Makudi, a former FIFA member and former president of the Football Association, who is currently the executive chairman. "Swat Cat" Nakhon Ratchasima Mazda of the Thai League 2021-22 Reveals a personal perspective on the management style of professional football leagues in the present era that are clearly in the deterioration phase
"If you look at the present Now there will only be people withdrawing teams, stopping teams, or quitting football altogether. Today is probably not the same as in the past.”
Khun Worawee also revealed that "When we still have a regional league It is like giving an opportunity to popular local football to be known to the whole country. I think we should be aware of the atmosphere that is somewhat deteriorating right now. in many aspects If we're going to talk about it here, it's going to be a long talk. In particular, the management of the association is a kind of administration, how? Why not take care of the best club team? because the club is the owner of the association he is an investor He is a seeker of benefits, incomes."
“The association has the benefits of organizing the competition from the member clubs, so how much do you get? It must be brought back to the club members as much. Some would be used in management. It's not that you take a lot of management. But in the end there was not much left for the club members. So how can his member club have strength?”
“This is where everyone can clearly see that we are deteriorating Big teams, he also came out in interviews that the revenue and attractiveness has dropped dramatically. As I said, I mean even before the Covid-19 period, but when there is COVID-19 It's all over."
“The team has tried their best. Here, the association is the beneficiary of our competition. It would have to take care of the club members as well as possible.”