
"Chang Suek" begins the first training session Before drinking "Nepal" on March 24
Khun Phon "Chang Suek" of the Thai national team starts training for the first meal Before preparing for the first warm-up game, meet with the Nepalese national team on March 24 at the Chonburi Stadium at 19.00. Fans can buy tickets now at Thai Ticket Major, all branches 
On March 22, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Mano Polking, head coach of the Thai national team Bring the team to practice for the first time at BG Stadium. In this training session, the Thai national team players practice in unison. and all players are perfectly fit The training took 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.
Before training, Coach Mano said: "It's good to be together again. New players have learned Everyone understands the way the Thai national team we play today, there are still players playing in the Sunday League. will recuperate the body, which will be divided into 2 groups
“Mickey is important, he did well in the Suzuki Cup. make us champions Deserves to return to the team. When Supachai is injured, Micky will play in front of the fans. He has played in the last two games, doing well, we can trust him."
“There are 100 players who are good enough to be in the Thai national team, but we try to choose the right balance of players for each game. players who are not yet attached keep working hard Follow every week every game. Please keep doing good work."
For the Thai national team, there will be a warm-up program for 2 games, as follows: March 24, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at Chonburi Stadium, Thai national team meets Nepal national team (167th place in FIFA rankings) on March 27, 2022. At 19.00 at BG Stadium, the Thai national team meets the Suriname national team (140th in the FIFA Ranking).
Thai football fans can buy tickets at Thai Ticket Major, all branches, ticket prices are as follows: Zone A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, M, N (Main stand) 500 baht, Zone O, P, Q, R, S, T (Pool stand) 350 baht, Zone Y (Scoreboard) 100 baht and AWAY ZONE : Zone X (Torch stand) 650 baht (for NEPAL).