
"Madam Pang" appoints "Mano" to control "War Elephants" for Louisiana SEA Games instead of Coach Yong.
"Madam Pang" Nang Nuanphan Lamsam, manager of "War Elephants" announced the appointment of Mano Polking as a replacement for the Thai U23 national team for the SEA Games in Vietnam by working with "Coach Yong" Worawut Srimaka. Prepare the U-23 team. to compete in the Asian Championships during June
"Madam Pang" Nang Nuanphan Lamsam, the manager of "Chang Suek" of the Thai national football team Big set and set under 23 years old, announce the movement of the Thai national team who are preparing to attend the 31st SEA Games in Vietnam Between 6-22 May this year at Muang Thai Insurance Building on April 11th. 
Madame Pang said The SEA Games are an important sport. not just football Every gold medal is important but football is every country's highest hope. However, the SEA Games were not on FIFA Day and were overlooked by the club. But he who has been involved in football for 15-16 years believes that every event under the Thai national team is important, no matter what program it is. It was an honor to want a gold medal. Absolutely inferior to SEA Games.
“We have always had meetings to work together as a team. From talking to Coach Yong Was stressed because the performance at the Dubai Cup was not good. As for Mano, he has always had good performances with the national team. If possible, I would like Mano to help manage the SEA Games team this time and let Coach Yong prepare for the final of the Asian Championships.
“A lot of people think that the SEA Games will send the U19s away, but personally see it as a show that can't be given up. would like to try to move the competition program Otherwise, the team will not be able to prepare. Because part of the list is that 50 people have already been sent, can't change the list from here. I still believe that the best team must be able to go to the SEA Games.”
Madame Pang further said that A matter of team preparation time It never had time. From the Asian Championship qualifiers to the Suzuki Cup itself, we have to go to the front of the event all the time.
Nuanphan Lamsam concluded that The portion of the players over the age A list of 7 people has been added, but it has not yet been announced who will be. foreign private Confirmed that they will get Jonathan Khemdee and Benjamin James Davis, but there will be no Thanawat, whose mind is permanent.
While Mano Polking said that although he looks a little sad now, because the SEA Games program is difficult for both the club and all parties. When Madame Pang let him do it, it was his honor. This work is not about who is the head coach. But everyone is on the same team. want to bring gold coins back to Thailand Problems encountered must find a solution together. to have the most ready team get the most ready players because the goal is only the champion
“Like Suzuki Cup, we had trouble preparing the team but we got the best players. got the champion back But this time there was no time and no best players. It's the situation that we're facing. will make the best team to go to the SEA Games We try to fight to find a solution. Understand that the club wants the championship because it is the semi-finals and the final. We are trying to find a way to adjust the program. To get the best players, go to the SEA Games with us,” Mano said.
On the side of "Coach Yong" Worawut Srimaka said that in the past he was stressed about the SEA Games. but is willing to let Mano take over the team because we are already working as a team U-23 information I always gave it to Mano. I want that club to let players join the national team because many times the SEA Games send the best kit to the first round.
As Coach Luck said The SEA Games had no room for losers. Ton and Yong used to make the team to win the championship and know how difficult it is. but will support various information And then focus on preparing the team for the Asian Championship instead.