
Thai girls team opens the field to meet Turkey Women's Volleyball World Championship
Thai girl slapping team will enter the field for the first game in Arnhem with Turkey at the 2022 World Championships
Thailand women's national volleyball team Will open the field to meet with the Turkish national team, the first game, the Women's Volleyball World Championship 2022 in Arnhem. netherlands
The Thai girls team has competed in the World Championship Final for the 4th time in a row since 2010 and this time was drawn in Group B with Poland (co-hosts), Turkey, Dominican Republic champions North America, Korea, rivals from Asia and Croatia, who took the place of Russia.
The 2022 World Championships will be the first to be co-hosted by the Netherlands and Poland, with 24 teams participating. The first round will be divided into 4 groups of 6 teams each, all head-to-head, teams ranked 1-4 in each group. will go through to the second round
For the opening game of the field, all 24 teams will compete at the same time in Arnhem. netherlands Before the second game, each team will move back to the group field by the Thai girls team after the first game. will move back to play in the city of Kang Poland
As for the program of the Thai girls' team, the first game will be on the field against Turkey on September 24, 2022 in Arnhem. netherlands and moved to compete in the city of Kdunk Poland In the remaining games, they face Poland on September 28, 2022 (night of September 27), followed by Croatia on September 28, 2022 against Korea on September 29, 2022, culminating in a meeting with the Dominicans on October 1, 2022
Thai national team program
on September 24, 2022
, Arnhem City, The Netherlands
, 6:00 p.m. Turkey meets Thailand
On September 28, 2022 (night of September 27)
Gdansk, Poland
, 1:30 a.m. Poland meets Thailand.
On September 28, 2022
19:00 Thailand meets Croatia
29 September 2022
19.00 Korea meets Thailand
October 1, 2022
19:00 Dominican Republic meets Thailand