
Diamond Food, the leader of the crowd! Altay won the Derby match-Barrige to win 3-0.
Diamond Food-Altai-Barge The field debut won the first game. and representatives from Thailand leading the crowd in the 2022 Asian Club Championships
PPTV Women's Club Volleyball Tournament The 22nd Asian Championship 2022 at Abai Arena, Semay, Kazakhstan on April 24, 2022 is the first day of competition. There are a total of 3 matches and the results are as follows:
The first match is Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club, representative of Thailand and the Thailand League Champion. who entered the field for the first time, defeating the Jissa State Pedagogical Institute of Uzbekistan Can go overwhelmingly 3-0 sets 25-8, 25-8, 25-10 Liannes Simon the Cuban star scored the highest point in this game at 13 points.
While the reigning champion Altay VC from Kazakhstan made a derby match against Guanish VC, the third-placed team of the Kazakhstan League, and in this game, both of them fought for fun before becoming A. Latai, who won 3-1 sets 25-18, 20-25, 25-19, 25-19, Guanish's Tatyana Aldochina scored the highest point with 28 points.
while Iranian representative Barij Essence plays against Kyrgyzstan VC from Kyrgyzstan and this game, the Iranian League champions 3-0 set 25-14, 25-14, 25-7 Mahsha Khadkoda hit the captain of Barrige to score 13 points.
Summing up all results,
Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club (Thailand) defeated Jizza State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan) 3-0, set 25-8, 25-8. , 25-10
Altay VC (Kazakhstan) beat Guanish VC (Kazakhstan) 3-1 set 25-18, 20-25, 25-19, 25-19
Barrige Essence (Iran) defeated Kyrgyzstan VC (Kyrgyzstan) 3-0, set 25-14, 25-14, 25-7.
Points table
1. Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club (Thailand) won 1 lost 0 with 3 points
2. Barij Essence (Iran) won 1 lost 0 with 3 points
3. Altay VC ( Kazakhstan) won 1 lost 0 with 3 points
4. Guanish Vic (Kazakhstan) won 0 lost 1 with 0 points
5. Kyrgyzstan Vic (Kyrgyzstan) won 0 lost 1 with 0 points
6. Jizza State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan) won 0 lost 1 with 0 points
Next appointment program
on 25 April 2022
12.00 Diamond Food-Fine Chef Sports Club (Thai) meets Guanish VC (Kazakhstan) (PPTV live)
15.00 Jizza State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan) meets Barij Essence (Iran) (PPTV live)
18.00 Altay Vsi (Kazakhstan) meets Kir Gizstan VC (Kyrgyzstan)